Incompatible Space Suits Thwart Rescue Of Stranded Astronauts

By Becca Lewis | Published


The Starliner astronauts who have been stranded aboard the International Space Station since June will likely have to wait a little longer because their space suits aren’t compatible with Space-X shuttles. The Starliner space suits worn by the stranded astronauts don’t work aboard the Space-X craft, prompting NASA to evaluate other options to ensure their safe return. Because even a small problem in outer space, or on return through Earth’s atmosphere could prove deadly to the crew, each step of the return procedure must be carefully scrutinized for potential issues.

Options For Return

international space station NASA

There are several return options being evaluated by NASA, including using their own existing Boeing Starliner shuttle, however, there have been issues with several thrusters aboard the craft, making it a less-than-ideal option.

Unfortunately, the alternative plan would involve putting astronauts aboard the Space-X Dragon Crew craft where starliner spacesuits won’t work with the life support systems.

Because NASA has allowed commercial crews to engineer their own gear so long as it falls within a set of safety standards, intercompatibility was not required for the space suits, slimming options in the case of a malfunction.

Engineering Hurdles

The Space-X Dragon Crew shuttle was originally designed to accommodate seven crew members, but the current configuration only allows for four crew members to be hooked up to life support. Even if the Starliner astronauts had the right suits, they wouldn’t be able to connect to the Dragon Crew shuttle.

Overcoming these engineering hurdles to bring the stranded astronauts back to Earth will be the subject of an agency-level meeting where the pros and cons of various plans will be weighed in the next few days.

Traveling Without Suits Isn’t A Good Option

stranded astronauts

Space suits aren’t usually necessary for the survival of the crew aboard a properly functioning shuttle, but if there are any problems, the suits will protect the astronauts from lack of pressure, lack of oxygen, and extreme temperatures.

Even if possible, it’s considered a last resort to allow crew to travel without suits because of the potential danger. The Starliner craft the stranded astronauts were aboard sprung leaks, which is part of what left them stuck in the first place, so sending them back to Earth without suits seems like a pretty big risk.

Commercial Space Flight


New commercial space flight operations are pushing the boundaries of human space exploration, in a new space race to conquer the galaxy. Although breakthroughs are being made by these emerging companies, some of the tried-and-true safety standards set by NASA have been abandoned for speed, resulting in accidents and stranded astronauts.

While NASA concentrated on building redundancies into their infrastructure, making sure that things like space suits would be compatible with multiple models of craft, and engineering extra capacity and multiple attachment methods for their hardware, newer companies are striving to be lighter and more agile, skipping these protocols and sacrificing safety.

Leaving Without The Ship

stranded astronauts

Since there aren’t any good options already available aboard the International Space Station, it’s likely that the stranded astronauts will need to wait for an upcoming Space-X Crew-9 mission to reach them. This flight can be launched below capacity and with extra slimline space suits, allowing the stranded Starliner crew to return on the Space-X craft. This plan would still leave the Boeing craft docked at the International Space Station, but would at least rescue the stranded astronauts.

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