How A Naughty Kiss Made MCU History

Agatha All Along continued to deliver one surprise after another all the way through to the crowd-pleasing finale event. This included having Agatha and Rio lock lips, and while it’s motivated by the plot (no, really!), having the dazzling Kathryn Hahn and Aubrey Plaza make out was the ultimate in fan service. It was also historic, as this was Marvel’s first lesbian kiss between superpowered characters.
The MCU’s Biggest Kiss
Since the two first appeared onscreen together, Hahn and Plaza’s steamy chemistry was undeniable. However, the fact that each one plays a sexy manipulator always left us unsure of whether that chemistry would lead to any physical romance. But by the end, we get to see Marvel’s first lesbian kiss between powered characters when Agatha willingly kisses Rio; the other woman is Death, and their passionate makeout session allows Agatha to sacrifice herself and save Billy’s life.

If you didn’t tune into the downright magical last two episodes, you might need a primer on what led to Marvel having such a historic kiss. In short, Rio has secretly been targeting Billy the whole time, seeing him as a freak of nature for taking a second life and planning to do the same for his brother, Tommy. She wants to restore the balance, and because Billy needs to willingly give himself to her, Agatha strikes a deal: she’ll deliver Billy if Rio stops hunting her down.
Rio agrees, and just when it looks like Agatha is going to save Billy’s life, she goes back to plan A and prepares to sacrifice him. However, when the young man asks Agatha if this is how her own son died, she decides to surprise everyone by saving his life. She does this by smooching Rio, willingly giving herself to Death and making Marvel history with the first kiss between two superpowered female characters.
Not The First Marvel Lesbian Kiss
Many have been calling this the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first lesbian kiss, but strictly speaking, that isn’t true. In Jessica Jones, Jeri Hogarth and former assistant Pam end up locking lips. Thanks to Agatha and Rio making out, there are now exactly two kisses between female characters. That perfectly matches the two previous kisses between male characters: one in Eternals (between Phastos and his husband) and in Agatha All Along (between Billy and high school boyfriend Eddie).
LGBTQ+ Representation In The MCU
Now that Marvel has broken the seal on having superpowered women kiss, we can’t help but wonder if we might see more lesbian romance onscreen. For example, the last Doctor Strange movie didn’t really mention her sexuality, but future appearances might allow America Chavez to be as proudly lesbian as her comic counterpart. And if Kevin Feige and crew are cool with more onscreen bisexuality, we might see potential future MCU heroes and villains (including X-Men characters Mystique and Psylocke) explore their sexuality onscreen.
While Agatha and Rio’s naughty moment may not be Marvel’s first lesbian kiss, it’s still the first one between superpowered female characters. And whether you enjoyed it for prurient reasons or for the plot, this was one of the hottest moments in the MCU. The Witch’s Road was long and winding, but scenes like this made the entire journey completely worth it.
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