- starship [ stahr-ship ] noun – a spaceship with the ability to travel outside the solar system between the stars

Starships In Fiction
Latest Starship Dispatches
Worf Destroyed Star Trek’s Enterprise-E?
Toward the end of the penultimate episode of Star Trek: Picard, the heroes hint that Worf may have unintentionally destroyed the Enterprise-E.
Captain Janeway’s USS Voyager Just Returned To Star Trek, But They Changed It
See the USS Voyager up close, docked at Starfleet’s Fleet Museum.
Every Ship In Star Trek: Picard’s Fleet Museum Identified
Thanks to fans, every ship in Star Trek: Picard’s Fleet Museum has been identified, and it was hiding some amazing easter eggs for long-time fans.
See Captain Kirk’s Enterprise Return For The First Time Since Star Trek VI
The NCC-1701-A Enterprise appeared on season 3, episode 6 of Star Trek: Picard and we have the photos.
See Captain Archer’s Enterprise Return To Star Trek For The First Time Since His Show Was Canceled
The NX-01 appeared in a blink and you’ll miss it moment on Star Trek: Picard season 3, episode 6. We have the freeze frame.
See Voyage Home’s HMS Bounty Return To Star Trek And Save The Day
Not only is the HMS Bounty back, but it saved Picard and his entire crew in the most recent episode of Star Trek: Picard.
See The Voyager-B Just Unveiled By Star Trek, Successor To Janeway’s Ship
Get a close look at the Voyager-J, secretly revealed in Star Trek: Picard season 3 episode 1.
See The Redesigned Enterprise Bridge From Star Trek’s Lost 70s Series That Never Aired
A new image was posted on Twitter, which shows what the redesigned bridge from Star Trek would have looked like in the 1970s.
Watch Footage From The 70s Star Trek Series That Never Aired
Star Trek’s long forgotten 1970’s series, Star Trek: Phase II, has recently been unearthed and fans can now see the show that never aired.
See The 70s Enterprise Redesign Star Trek Built But Never Used
A Star Trek fan account displays images of the Enterprise from the abandoned Star Trek: Phase II.
Star Trek Has Replaced The USS Voyager With An A
Star Trek: Prodigy teased a return of the USS Voyager, only this time it’s the Voyager-A.
See The Enterprise-E Return To Star Trek For The First Time Since 2002
The Enterprise-E returned on an episode of Star Trek: Prodigy as part of a vast armada tasked with stopping the USS Protostar.
See One Of Star Trek’s Most Iconic Hero Ships Return For First Time Since The 90s, And It’s Trying To Kill Janeway
The USS Defiant returns to Star Trek.
See Star Trek’s Most Powerful Ship Return For The First Time Since 2002
We have photos of the new Sovereign Class starship which appeared on Star Trek: Lower Decks.
See The Defiant’s Return To Star Trek As A Part Of Section 31
We have photos of the Defiant class ship which appeared at the end of the Star Trek: Lower Decks episode “Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus”.
See The Enterprise F, Just Unveiled By Star Trek: Picard
The Enterprise F was actually designed by a fan and it is now officially the next version of the iconic starship.
See Station Deep Space Nine Back On Star Trek, Inside And Out
Star Trek: Lower Decks took us in and around every part of Deep Space Nine, as it is now, years after Sisko departed the mortal world to live with the Prophets.
See The Delta Flyer Back In Action For The First Time Since Star Trek: Voyager
The Delta Flyer returned on the Star Trek: Lower Decks episode “Reflections” and we have high-res beauty shots of her in action.
The Best Star Trek Starships
We rank which Star Trek starship is the best, based purely on how cool they are. Fifteen starships made the list, but the refit of the Constitution Class Enterprise is number one.
Return To Deep Space Nine In The Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 3 Trailer
The trailer for Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 3 has dropped, including the crew returning to a very familiar station, Deep Space Nine.
See Star Trek’s Redesign Of The Iconic Romulan Ship For Strange New Worlds
The season one finale of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is now streaming on Paramount Plus. By any measure, the show delivered one if its best episodes of the season as a finale, and it did it by delving into established Star Trek canon.
Star Trek Just Showed Us Captain Kirk’s First Ship, It’s Not The Enterprise
The big season finale of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds brought as a new ship. See it up close and in detail here.
Scotty, Odo, Spock And Crusher Just Returned To Star Trek And Teamed Up On A New Series
Star Trek: Prodigy is the new Paramount Plus Star Trek animated series aimed squarely at kids. It fills a niche …
Star Trek: Lower Decks Just Ended The Bridge Window Versus Viewscreen Debate
Yes, it was a viewscreen and not a bridge window. But recent versions have tried to retcon that into some sort of window, and a debate has raged among fans about whether that huge thing at the front of the ship is a window or a viewer. Star Trek: Lower Decks just ended that bridge window versus viewscreen debate in its season 2 finale episode, “First First Contact”.
Star Trek Just Redesigned One Of The Greatest Starships Of All Time, And It’s Glorious
Star Trek: Lower Decks just concluded its second season and the series continues to shine as one of the best things Star Trek has ever produced. At every step along the way they’ve made all the right choices, and they made another right choice in the final episode by resurrecting and redesigning one of the greatest Star Trek starship designs of all time with a new version of the Excelsior class.