Star Wars: The Acolyte

Star Wars: The Acolyte Opinions

Amanda Stenberg
While the future of Star Wars movies is somewhat (or very much) in doubt right now, that isn’t the case with the television side of this franchise. We’ve been treated to all manner of stories in this universe, oftentimes filling in between different movies along the way. But that isn’t always the case and Star Wars: The Acolyte looks like it will bring a decidedly different tone and timeline to the galaxy.
The Show Is In The High Republic Era
Star Wars: The Acolyte will take place in the High Republic Era which is generally about 100-200 years before the events of the original franchise movies. That offers a decidedly different perspective to this world than we’ve seen in the movies.
This series is said to follow a padawan as she works with her Jedi master to solve a mystery at the heart of the Republic. Based on the title, it looks like this show will deal not only with the Jedi but also with the Sith.
In Star Wars canon, an acolyte is used sometimes in reference to Sith apprentices, which may clue fans into where the series may be headed. This may allow for brand new characters to be featured and tell a story never seen in the Star Wars universe as it may focus on those who closely adhere to the dark side.
Amanda Stenberg Is Leading The Acolyte
Amanda Stenberg will play the lead role of the padawan in Star Wars: The Acolyte, though little is known, currently, about her character. In the cast, she will be joined by Lee Jung-jae, Manny Jacinto, and Logan’s Dafne Keen among others. Though we know about the core casting, the different characters each will be playing isn’t clear at this time.
Leslye Headland Is On As Showrunner
Star Wars: The Acolyte has Leslye Headland as the head writer and showrunner which also should give a sense of where this series is going. She’s worked on series like Russian Doll, and also directed and wrote Sleeping with Other people. Headland has a dark comedy background but sure feels like this series might be lighter on the laughs than some of her other works.
Headland felt it necessary to address the impact her hiring as a gay woman behind one of the biggest franchises in the history of film and television. “It’s shocking to hear that to me. Although I know it’s true because there are so few of us that are allowed to sit at the table, so to speak, and many, many more that are still not allowed,” Headland said to Movie Web. She’s talked a fair amount about how, as a queer woman, that will influence her own viewpoint and therefore the show.
She went on to add to MovieWeb, “It’s an honor in the sense that I feel incredibly grateful and lucky. I also would say that… I think Fran would agree with this, that a lot of this business is luck. A lot of it is.”
Star Wars: The Acolyte Not Renewed For A Second Season
Star Wars: The Acolyte faced pretty significant criticism from fans, despite its intriguing premise set in the High Republic era. While some were on board with the show’s ambition, many longtime Star Wars enthusiasts hated various aspects of the series.
Whether it was the characters, the weird pacing, the retconning backstory or other elements of the plot, it just didn’t land with many folks.
Disney opted to not bring the series back for a second season and there really wasn’t that much of an outcry over the decision.
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