Latest NASA News
Two Super-Earths Discovered And One Might Have Life
Two new exoplanets known as super-Earth planets have been discovered, and one could be habitable.
Astronauts’ Blood Mutates Due To Spaceflight
Scientists are learning space travel could mutate your DNA.
Scientists Are Making Oxygen On Mars?
NASA scientists are doing the impossible and creating pure oxygen on the planet Mars, out of practically nothing.
See The Phantom Galaxy In Jaw-Dropping New NASA Photos
NASA has managed to take these breathtaking pictures of a phantom galaxy and our minds are cosmically blown.
Scientists Have Discovered An Ocean Planet With The Possibility Of Life
Scientists have found a distant ocean planet that may be able to support life, just like in that one George Clooney movie.
James Webb Telescope Captures Stunning Images Of Jupiter
The James Webb Telescope has now captured stunning images of Jupiter, which have been released by NASA.
NASA Releases Audio From A Black Hole And It’s Creepy
NASA has released the sound of a black hole screaming across light years and, unsurprisingly, it is terrifying.
NASA Developing A Robot To Perform Surgeries In Space
Robot surgery is becoming increasingly common, and now technology is taking it to the next level: robot surgery in space.
NASA Says They Can Grow Food In Space Without Soil
No soil? Do they use GrubHub?
Scientists Worried About Deadly Pathogens Coming From Mars
Like we didn’t have enough to worry about.
Scientists Think Jupiter Has Eaten Many Smaller Planets
Wow, leave some for Galactus!
NASA Officially Joining The Hunt For UFOs?
NASA is set to help track and study UFOs as the government has now addressed the aerial phenomenon during a meeting of Congress.
Something Strange Is Wrong With The Voyager 1 Space Probe
Do you want evil space clouds? Because this is how we get evil space clouds.
Massive Asteroid Heading In Earth’s Direction
Fire up those Ataris and get Missile Command going!
NASA Is Close To Developing A Warp Drive?
NASA is attempting to take its grasp of the stars even further, as it has been established that the scientists working for the space company are developing a warp drive.
Canada Wants To Decide What You Can And Can’t Do On The Moon
What’s this all aboot.
NASA Is Reportedly Sending Nudes To Outerspace To Lure Aliens To Earth
NASA nudes are the next wild idea that scientists have thought up, as a study claims we might be able to open a line of communication with aliens by doing so.
NASA Says SpaceX International Space Station Passengers Can’t Leave
NASA has currently dealt with all manner of people wanting to make their way into space, but apparently, three new passengers are now stuck at the International Space Station.
The Government Admits An Interstellar Object Exploded Above Earth
Newly-declassified documents have revealed a deep space object exploded just above us a few years ago, but there’s more that it doesn’t say.
NASA Wants To Fire Rockets Through The Northern Lights
NASA is planning an experiment which will have them firing rockets through the Northern Lights? Are they trying to take them out?
NASA Says They’ve Found An Unbelievable Number Of Worlds Outside Our Solar System
NASA has used ever growing technology and powerful telescopes to measure and discover a staggering amount of planets outside our solar system.
Scientists Now Know Where The International Space Station Will Crashland On Earth
We know where the ISS will crash! Yay?
A SpaceX Rocket Is About To Crash Into The Moon
Usually crashing rockets is a bad idea?
NASA Will Pay A Massive Amount For A Plan To Feed People on Mars
NASA is offering a staggering amount of money for any individual or group that can feed people on Mars or beyond for a long, long stretch
Scientists Discovered A Planet That Isn’t Sphere-Shaped
You thought all planets were shaped like ours? Think again!
NASA Just Launched A Planetary Defense Ship To Save Earth
Across the globe, various telescopes will work together to observe the event that we surely hope NASA can pull off.
NASA Paid A Bunch Of Priests To Figure Out Aliens
NASA called on a variety of religious leaders and thinkers to determine how religions would react to the discovery of alien life in the universe.
NASA’s Latest Recording Sounds Like They’ve Found R2-D2
NASA’s new recordings sound like R2-D2 is orbiting Jupiter!
Mysterious Hut Spotted On The Moon By China’s Rover
A Chinese rover just took a picture of a mysterious moon hut. There is speculation about what this object could be and why it is there.
The Moon Has Enough Oxygen For Billions Of Humans
The Moon has enough oxygen for billions!