Jude Law

- Birthdate: December 29, 1972
- Birthplace: London, England
- Known For: The Holiday, Sherlock Holmes, Fantastic Beasts

Copyright: © 2021 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved
Photo Credit: Jaap Buitendijk
Caption: (L-R) JESSICA WILLIAMS as Eulalie “Lally” Hicks, CALLUM TURNER as Theseus Scamander, JUDE LAW as Albus Dumbledore, FIONNA GLASCOTT as Minerva McGonagall, DAN FOGLER as Jacob Kowalski and EDDIE REDMAYNE as Newt Scamander in Warner Bros. Pictures’ fantasy adventure “FANTASTIC BEASTS: THE SECRETS OF DUMBLEDORE,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

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