Day Shift

The vampire-loving world was treated to a surprise in the form of a new action-packed movie that harkened back to the days of From Dusk till Dawn and John Carpenter’s Vampires. That movie is the Netflix hit, Day Shift. Day Shift combines a ton of great fight scenes, lore, and the right type of cast that truly make the movie shine and remind us about the drama-less-filled world that enthralled us back in the 1990s.
The Day Shift cast is led by Jamie Foxx, who plays a mercenary that operates within a union of vampire hunters. His character is down on his luck with his family and monetary gains, so he returns to what he knows best: hunting vampires. However, those vampires are attempting to dominate the world in the all-too-familiar plot that is not bogged down by sticking to the usual tropes of previously seen blood-sucking features.
Spoilers ahead, so look away if you have not yet seen Day Shift.
Day Shift Cast – Mercs
Jamie Foxx – Bud Jablonski

Jamie Foxx leads the way for the Day Shift cast as Bud Jablonski, a man who appears to be a pool cleaner, but is actually a down-on-his-luck vampire hunter. Jablonski must return to slaying vampires after he has been unceremoniously removed from the vampire-hunting union that saw him get paid enough to provide for his daughter and ex-wife. To return to the union, Jablonski gets started on slaying vampires at the beginning of the movie, which is his way of bartering a peace offering between him and the union.
This is not the first action movie that Jamie Foxx has starred in, famously appearing in Django Unchained, Collateral, and as Electro in two different Spider-Man movies. However, Jamie Foxx portraying Bud Jablonski is a great reminder that he does not need to lean so heavily on dramatic aspects to get across a great character, which is likely why he was selected to lead the Day Shift cast.
Jamie Foxx has a staggering nine projects in the works, with varying genres, including starring in the movie which welcomes the return of Cameron Diaz. Though not much is known about the plot so far, it is called Back in Action, so we could presume that it is going to be the type of action comedy that Foxx shines in. We are hoping for a Day Shift 2 at some point, which would bring back Foxx and more of the Day Shift cast.
Snoop Dogg – Big John Elliot

Snoop Dogg is arguably the most famous West Coast rapper that the world has ever seen, but he is now starting to appear more in movies, especially as one of the legendary mercenaries in the Day Shift cast. Big John is one of the best vampire slayers in Day Shift, and also the one that constantly vouches for Bud to be reinstated. He also packs one of the most ridiculous weapons used in the movie called: Big Bertha.
Big Bertha is a minigun that lays waste to the bloodsuckers trying to stop Bud from rescuing his family. Big John could also belong to the vampire category of the Day Shift cast, as we know he is bitten when helping Bud save his family’s life. He climbs out of the sewer at the end of the movie, meaning we could be seeing a Bud vs Big John showdown in the sequel.
Dave Franco – Seth

Dave Franco, the more well-known Franco brother at this time, takes on the role of the Day Shift cast “company stooge,” Seth. Seth has been assigned to Bud as his hang-around. He must watch Bud’s every move and report back to the vampire slayers’ hub about which rules are being broken. The head of the vampire slayers is looking for any reason to get Bud thrown out of the organization again.
Seth is also an interesting character in the Day Shift cast because he fits the mold for all three categories of this piece. He is a slayer of sorts, as he will fight vampires later in the movie, a hang around, as he has to follow Bud as the company stooge, and a vampire, as he is forcefully turned into one.
Steve Howey – Mike Nazarian

Steve Howey always appears in movies and shows in somewhat smaller roles, but he always leaves his mark, much like he does for the Day Shift cast. That is the case for his character, Mike Nazarian, one of two of the infamous Nazarian Brother-combination of vampire slayers. They presumably take over as the #1 slayer spot when Bud was unceremoniously removed from his station. There is an epic scene where the Nazarian Brothers team up with Bud to clear out an entire house of vampires.
Scott Adkins – Diran Nazarian

Scott Adkins portrays the other Nazarian brother known as Diran, who happens to be a bit less calm, cool, and collected. Diran is also the more athletic of the two, as he goes into a vampire den with nothing but some elongated stakes, that look sort of like staffs though they are meant for stabbing and not walking. Diran is the more in-your-face Nazarian brother from the Day Shift cast, as his weaponry is of the more up close and personal variety.
Day Shift Cast – Vampires
Danielle Kennedy – Old Lady

Danielle Kennedy has an important role in the Day Shift cast, though her name from the cast list sounds quite unimportant. She portrays the Old Lady vampire that Bud initially fights, to secure the fangs that will get him back into the good graces of the vampire slayer organization.
However, this Old Lady is far more important than just being part of one of the better fights in the movie, as she is the catalyst that starts the main vampire’s quest for revenge against Bud.
Oliver Masucci – Klaus

Oliver Masucci plays the right-hand man role in the Day Shift cast, as he is also the hang around of the main vampire in charge, Audrey San Fernando. Klaus is the prototypical bodyguard character that does not do much up until he is called upon to clean up a mess made by the other vampires not worthy enough to take down Bud. Unfortunately, Klaus must fight Bud and two other vampires during his big fight.
Natasha Liu Bordizzo – Heather

Natasha Liu Bordizzo portrays Heather, an outcast vampire in the Day Shift cast. She is meant to serve as a spy for Aubrey. She moves in next door to Bud to keep tabs on him but ends up turning on Aubrey and helping Bud to infiltrate the vampire compound so that Bud can rescue his family. We could possibly see Natasha as a vampire hunter in the sequel.
Karla Souza – Aubrey San Fernando

Karla Souza is the head vampire in charge in the Day Shift cast, and an ancient vampire seeking what all vampires seek: to dominate the world. In her eyes, vampires are supposed to be gods and feed on humans. Her plans are to build more homes or vampire dens so that she can build a massive vampire army to doom mankind. However, when she learned that Bud has killed her daughter (remember the Old Lady?) she then switches up her goals to go after Bud’s family instead.
The Hang Arounds
Peter Stormare – Troy

Peter Stormare is also one of those actors that appears in many movies with smaller roles, but roles that matter a great deal to the plot of any given movie. This is certainly the case for his role in the Day Shift cast. Stormare portrays Troy, a broker of mystical items, and one that deals with selling and buying vampire fangs. Troy seems to also be the only friend that Bud has, up until Bud meets Seth, and Troy has a not-so-great meeting with Aubrey.
Eric Lange – Ralph Seeger

Eric Lange plays the prototypical boss man figure in the Day Shift cast, portraying Ralph Seeger. Seeger is the head of the vampire hunter’s union and the man that is fed up with Bud continually breaking protocol. Seeger is looking for any chance to ensure that Bud is thrown out of the union for good. But he has his plans thwarted by Seth, who seems to know the rulebook just a little bit better.
Zion Broadnax – Paige Joblanski

Zion Broadnax portrays the innocent bystander in the Day Shift cast, playing Paige Joblanksi, Bud’s daughter. Paige is certainly the sweet and innocent girl that has taken plenty of her father’s personality, as she is also tough. She is Bud’s entire reason for living, and why he is going through great lengths in the movie to keep her and her mother from moving away.
Meagan Good – Jocelyn Jablonski

Meagan Good also plays the prototypical ex-wife in the Day Shift cast and one that is tired of Bud breaking his promises to her and her daughter. She is also tough, and stands up to Aubrey, despite the threat that she could have been killed or turned at any moment. Aubrey and Bud may have a complicated relationship with one another, but you can tell she still loves the man deeply.
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