Everything Wrong With Jurassic Park

Anybody badmouthing Steven Spielberg‘s Jurassic Park around these parts is going to get a face full of glares and tsks.
I’m not a card-carrying member of the ridiculously large Jurassic Park fanbase, but it’s even hard for me to imagine a film whose story and heart equaled the unparalleled spectacle of the special effects.
Just because Jurassic Park didn’t feature a full five-minute scene of Sam Neill laughing maniacally into the camera doesn’t have to be a bad thing, I guess.
But cherishing a movie isn’t the same thing as calling that movie a perfect slice of entertainment. And as the guys from the CinemaSins YouTube channel have shown us in the above video, Jurassic Park is anything but perfect. Check out the team poking holes in this classic.
We love CinemaSins here on GFR because their subject matter sticks to sci-fi, even though they inevitably stick it to sci-fi, but many of their “sins” are mostly jokes and silly observations about the films themselves.
Here, though, there are quite a few daffy Jurassic Park continuity mistakes and other errors that make dinosaur clones seem downright realistic. I mean, they didn’t even spell Stegosaurus or Tyrannosaurus correctly. Maybe they thought those dinosaur names were copyrighted material.
While I don’t see anything wrong with Laura Dern letting kids run off into dangerous situations — since I was hoping the entire length of Jurassic Park that the kids would somehow become dino-chow — there is something so goddamned funny about Grant having a tabloid on his fridge reading “Space Aliens Stole My Face.”
You can’t make that shit up. It is telling, though, that this was only a three-minute video, whereas a complete fiasco like Battleship got a video twice as long.
Look, the simple fact is that most sci-fi movies can have take-down videos made about them that find all of the things “wrong” with them. Jurassic Park isn’t immune in that sense. But across the genre, the movie more than holds up against fairly intense scrutiny (relatively speaking).
And there’s a reason Jurassic Park has stuck around so long as a franchise. The premise is fairly sound all things considered and the world lends itself to plenty of things going wrong.
Plus, the following dinosaur movies don’t hold up nearly as well comparatively. It’s the price of going bigger and bigger with each Jurassic Park story.