Stray Cat Bites Spreading Unknown Bacteria To Humans

Our domesticated feline friends are great company if you’re willing to forgive how many times they wreck your horizontal blinds. But according to Science Alert, if you see a stray cat out in the streets, you can become seriously ill if they bite you. A recent report tells us that a UK man contracted an unknown strain of gram-positive bacteria called Globicatella after being bitten by a stray cat, and he probably would have lost his hand if he didn’t seek out medical help.
Just eight hours after being bitten several times on the hand and arm by a stray cat, the UK man admitted himself to the hospital to get treated for the intense swelling he was experiencing. After his initial treatment, the man went home with his wounds dressed, and a prescription for oral antibiotics.
The doctors first assumed they were dealing with a form of Streptococcus, which is the bacteria that is linked to meningitis, strep throat, pink eye, and many other infections that we are familiar with. Upon further investigation, they discovered that they were dealing with a strain of Globicatella that was previously unknown.
But he returned to the hospital the next day with even worse swelling that required not only surgical intervention, but also three different forms of intravenous antibiotics in order for him to make a full recovery.
After treating their patient, the doctors then tasked themselves with trying to figure out why he had such an intense reaction to a stray cat bite. The doctors first assumed they were dealing with a form of Streptococcus, which is the bacteria that is linked to meningitis, strep throat, pink eye, and many other infections that we are familiar with. Upon further investigation, they discovered that they were dealing with a strain of Globicatella that was previously unknown.
A man in the UK almost lost his hand after contracting a strain of Globicatella, resulting from several bites from a stray cat.
Though this particular stray cat incident was resolved in a relatively painless way, doctors are warning the public to be careful around feral felines for this very reason. Not only are stray cats prone to carrying around a number of unknown pathogens, their sharp claws and pointy teeth can cause a number of problems when you consider how quickly they can get under your skin.
This is especially true if a cat bites you deeply on or around a joint, making it hard to target the infection without needing minor surgery.

While the UK man made a full recovery from his stray cat bites, it’s worth noting that he was very lucky, given the circumstances. If he didn’t have access to immediate medical care, or if the infection was more resistant to antibiotics, he very well could have lost his hand, or even died from the infection.
In other words, if you see a stray cat on your walk home from work, it may be in your best interest to cross over to the other side of the street.
As much as you may want to help out a stray cat in need, you still need to prioritize your own health and well-being before offering a belly rub. What’s more, if you find a stray cat in the streets and take it into your home, your other pets could become gravely ill if attacked.
As much as you may want to help out a stray cat in need, you still need to prioritize your own health and well-being before offering a belly rub.
If you’re not sure whether you’re dealing with a stray cat or a domesticated one that can’t find their way home, you can call your local wildlife commission or animal shelter to see if they can find any identifying features or microchips. Your hands, arms, face will thank you for it.