See A Famous Pop Singer Get Bit By A Snake During A Video Shoot

However, things got a bit interesting, or dangerous, however, you want to look at it, when a snake lunged for the singer and bit her in the face.

By James Brizuela | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

snake python

A pop singer by the name of Maeta was gearing up to shoot a scene in a music video, which was incorporating the usage of many snakes. However, things got a bit interesting, or dangerous, however, you want to look at it, when a snake lunged for the singer and bit her in the face. Obviously, it would be foolish for a venomous snake to be anywhere near someone for a music video shoot, but being bit by a snake has got to hurt regardless. The pop singer posted a behind-the-scenes video of the occurrence with the snake on her Instagram.

See the snake bite happen in the video below:

The above video shows Maeta laying down and being shot in black and white when a handler begins to pour a number of snakes onto her. However, one of the said snakes either clearly did not like being poured on her, or maybe just hates her music, and decides to lunge and bite the pop singer on the face. You can see the reptile latch on to her face for a brief moment, then let go. The singer was clearly hurt in the process as she rolls over and writhes in some significant pain while holding her chin.

Thankfully the size of the snake is relatively small in the grand scheme of things. Either way, getting bit by any animal big or small is going to leave a mark, and possibly a newfound fear of snakes. However, Maeta seems not too traumatized by the event as she posted the video to her Instagram with a caption that reads, “what I go through to make videos for y’all.” Although Maeta has only 115,000 followers on her page, the snake encounter has amassed 516,000 likes as of right now. Though people have possibly not heard of her music, they likely follow her now to see more of the snake’s 15 minutes of fame.

Maeta has been enjoying some success in her career as she recently was able to sing with Jay-Z’s Roc Nation and has been signed to the label since. She followed that up by joining Grammy-winning group, H.E.R., on tour. Not a bad stretch of success for someone early in the game. However, now her claim to fame might just have to be shared with the snake that decided to nab a bit of her face. I wonder if the snake will get a record deal? All joking aside, the pop singer seems to be completely fine after her encounter and might think twice about using wild animals in any further music videos. They are wild and unpredictable after all.

People magazine covered the story and revealed that neither of the snakes used in the music videos was venomous. That is great news considering a venom-induced bite to the face could have had some terrible and lasting effects that might have affected the pop singer’s career. She was also pegged by the magazine as one of “most emerging artists to watch for.” That’s excellent news considering she is willing to go to great lengths to please her fans, like being bitten on the face by a snake for starters.