Scientists Are Getting Death Threats Because Of Hurricane Milton

By Jacob VanGundy | Published

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In addition to the direct damage done by Hurricane Milton, it’s now become the center of a conspiracy theory that is leading some believers to threaten meteorologists. The strange trajectory of the storm and support from prominent conservative voices has caused a spike in popularity for the theory. People who believe in the theory are now targeting meteorologists, who they believe are covering up a vast government conspiracy. 

Some Believe The Governemnt Is Controlling Hurricane Milton

The conspiracy theory is that the government, to one degree or another, can manipulate the weather. While the theory has existed for years, Hurricane Milton has caused the theory to gain traction on social media. The storm’s unusual pattern, forming in the west and then moving to the east, is being used by believers as evidence that the storm was man-made. 

Political Leaders Pushing The Theory On Social Media?

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Another major reason the conspiracy theory is gaining ground is that a few conservative leaders posted their support for it on X before and after Hurricane Milton. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed that “they…control the weather” shortly before the latest catastrophic storm. Other right-wing commentators, such as businessman Grant Cardone, have also supported the theory on social media. 

Death Threats Against Meteorologists

category 6 hurricanes

With those factors contributing to the theory’s rise in popularity, meteorologists are being harassed in the wake of Hurricane Milton. Prominent meteorologists like James Spann are reportedly being barraged with messages accusing them of lying, covering for the government, and even being blamed for the storm. Some of those messages went so far as to make death threats. 

The exact details of the conspiracy theory vary, but the meteorologists have become a central cover-up figure in all of them. Less extreme versions of the theory claim that the government could have stopped Hurricane Milton by using giant fans or nuclear bombs, but chose not to. The more extreme version is that the government created the storm with weather control machines, using the storm as a weapon. 

Climate Change Denial

Many of the meteorologists see the reaction to Hurricane Milton as an extension of long-standing climate change denial. For years, as meteorologists have pointed to warmer oceans as the cause of more frequent, more powerful storms there has been conservative pushback against the profession. However, with the conspiracy theory painting the profession as a cabal of liars, that pushback has escalated into harassment and threats. 

Of course, the weather control conspiracy theory is just part of the growing conspiratorial mindset in America. Conspiracy theories, like the vast Q-Anon conspiracy and Pizzagate, have gained mainstream momentum, and political champions, like Robert F. Kennedy Jr in recent years. Hurricane Milton has now turned those who believe in these theories against the entire meteorology profession. 

Interfering With Relief Efforts

category 6 hurricanes

While the meteorologists who are being threatened and harassed are the most direct victims of these conspiracy theories, they’re also interfering with relief efforts. Emergency management agencies are being flooded with threats and harassment, clogging up communication lines. Instead of helping those impacted by Hurricane Milton, these agencies are now being forced to address rumors and deal with threats. 

As Florida deals with the fallout from an incredibly damaging storm season, the weather itself has become a politicized issue distracting from recovery efforts. Rather than aiding those devastated by Hurricane Milton, conspiracy theorists have focused their efforts on tormenting meteorologists. Unfortunately, with elected officials supporting these harmful conspiracy theories, it seems they’re only getting worse.

Source: Rolling Stone