Scientists Using Black Hole Moons To Search For Aliens

By Christopher Isaac | Published

black hole

There is still a great deal that we do not understand about black holes, but we do know enough to be aware of how much potential energy that they carry. While we are still very far away from any indicators revealing that life exists on other planets, now some scientists are speculating that if intelligent life does exist, it could use black holes to their benefit. Some theories are suggesting aliens are tapping into black hole “moons” to harness their energy, similar to the Sun.

A Theory Based On Real Science

Such a system is not something humans have ever been able to test, but based on our current understanding of black holes, it is theoretically a possibility. It is something some scientists have been postulating lately to explain how other intelligent life could exist in regions of space that do not have an energy source akin to the Sun as the Earth does. Scientists even believe alien life could use such black hole moons as a renewable energy source.

The Most Efficient Engine Possible

We know enough about black holes to know that some of them are small enough that they can wind up dissipating in just a year. However, we also know that when matter is pulled into a black hole, that black hole in turn creates more energy. So scientists believe that an advanced alien species could create a long-term energy source by feeding their refuse into such a black hole moon so it can be converted back into energy that can be harnessed.

Harvard scientist Dr. Loeb explains the dynamics of such a black hole moon and how it could potentially power a civilization. “This black hole system is the most efficient engine I ever thought about,” he said. “The fuel is converted to energy with perfect efficiency of 100 percent as the mass falling into the black hole is ultimately coming out as Hawking Radiation.”

Self-Sufficient Plants

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There have long been fears of what the Earth could do to survive if the Sun was no longer a reliable energy source, but this theory about black hole moons suggests a way for planets to essentially create their own energy. Obviously such knowledge is beyond what humans are able to accomplish right now, so scientists say that if a species out there is harnessing black hole moons in this way, it would be a highly technologically advanced species.

Long-Lasting Black Hole Moons Go Against Nature

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However, since black hole moons are small enough to disappear so quickly if fed matter to extend their existence, scientists also believe that if one is found and continues to endure for a long time, it could suggest an intelligent species is the reason behind it. It could be that another species has already realized the potential energy source that black holes are and has begun utilizing them in a similar fashion to how humans utilize the sun for many solar-powered pieces of technology.

Only A Theory

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Unfortunately, all of this remains theoretical at this time. As fascinating as all of these ideas are, scientists have not yet made any discoveries regarding black hole moons being utilized in this manner. But it does encourage researchers to be on the lookout for signs of intelligent life in areas of space that might previously have been thought to be uninhabitable.

If these theories are correct, an alien planet could survive and prosper even without proximity to such an energy source as the Sun.

Source: The Independent

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