US Government Approves New System For Reporting UFOs
Who you gonna call?
This article is more than 2 years old

The world has changed. One of the most popular science fiction television shows ever, Fox’s The X-Files, thrived on the premise of the US government and other clandestine organizations intervening in any and all attempts to prove the existence of UFOs. The franchise was successful enough to enjoy 11 seasons of its TV series and two feature films, but in today’s world it would be a dud. With the US government finally bringing transparency to the subject and the existence of UFOs becoming more of a fact and less of a question, in 2022 David Duchovny’s signature character FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder would find himself preaching to the choir. Now the government has gone one step further by approving a new method for reporting UFOs.
As reported by Comic Book, the House of Representatives recently approved a number of amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act including one that will make it easier for government officials reporting UFOs, or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) as they’re being called. The entire bill has not yet been passed by the House though it is expected to sail through by next week. Then it will need to be approved by the Senate before it’s officially official.
As noted by NBC News, the bi-partisan amendment for reporting UFOs was introduced by Reps. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., and Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz. The goal of the amendment is to open up “immediate sharing” between relevant parties such as certain government personnel and scientists. There will, however, be some exceptions. For example if “the observed object and associated events and activities likely relate to” some kind of clandestine programs that have already been reported to the Congress’ defense and intelligence committees, then that “immediate sharing” will be curbed.
The amendments for reporting UFOs are a direct response to a report released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence from last June. Among other things, the report states that between 2004 and 2021, personnel in military planes reported 144 different UAP or UFO sightings. Out of those 144 sightings, only one had been explained. For the rest of the 143, there wasn’t enough data to make any kind of conclusive finding. Keep in mind, of course, that these 144 sightings are just those made by military personnel aboard military planes. They don’t account for the sightings reported by civilians.
It seems, if nothing else, fitting that this news should drop just days after the public was floored by images of the universe from the James Webb Telescope. The awe-inspiring photos show whole galaxies spinning out in the void, and just maybe that photographic reminder of exactly what’s possible to be waiting for us out there is part of what’s lighting the proverbial fire under lawmakers’ butts. You can see the first of the amazing images below.
Hopefully along with more legislative muscle behind the reporting of UFOs, we’ll soon have better technology to record the things as well. Back in February came the word that Harvard’s Avi Loeb, a theoretical physicist, is working on what he calls the Galileo Project. Loeb and his team hope to create a network of telescopes all over the globe with the goal of capturing hi-resolution photos of actual UAP.