NASA Confirms Existence Of Energy Field That Makes Earth Livable

Confirming a 60-year-old hypothesis, NASA has recently discovered a planet-wide electric field around our Earth. Called an ambipolar electric field, scientists declare that it is as important to the planet as the more widely known gravity and magnetic fields. In another surprise find, the field is slowly sending our atmosphere out into space, but don’t panic; it turns out it’s natural.
Confirming The Hypothesis

In the late 1960s, during the midst of the space race, ships flying over Earth’s poles identified a stream of particles flowing from our atmosphere into outer space. Immediately, astronomers were curious about how this phenomenon was taking place. Some outflow of particles is expected.
The intensity of unfiltered sunlight will drive some of them out of our atmosphere. NASA uses the metaphor of steam evaporating from a pot of water on the stove. However, this was different.
For though these escaping particles were traveling at supersonic speeds, the baffling polar wind was cold and clearly had never been heated by the Sun. Due to this, they quickly drew the conclusion that something had to be drawing them out. Thus, the hypothesis of an ambipolar field circling Earth was created.
The Proof Is In The Rocket

It wasn’t until recently that we had the technology to fully investigate its origins, but finally, in May of 2022, mission Endurance launched the ship “Svalbard” to take measurements over the North Pole. Reaching an altitude of 477.23 miles only to descend 19 minutes later, the team was able to measure a 0.55-volt change in electric potential. Though weaker than a battery, the polar wind was finally explained, and the existence of an ambipolar field was proven.
Hydrogen ions were the most abundant particles in the wind, and when entering the field, they were met with a force 10.6 times stronger than gravity, plenty enough to launch them into space at a supersonic speed. For heavier particles like oxygen ions, the field reduced their weight by half, allowing them to reach heights that would have previously been impossible.
Sending The Atmosphere Out Of This World

Glyn Collinson, a principal investigator of NASA’s Endurance mission, explained the phenomenon in layman’s terms. She said, “It’s like this conveyor belt, lifting the atmosphere up into space.” Further on the matter, she pointed out that now that this ambipolar field or space conveyor belt has been discovered and measured, we will finally begin to explore the role it has played in shaping our planet.
The Search For Similar Fields

Now that our ambipolar field has been discovered, many infer that similar fields must exist on other planets. Venus and Mars were listed as the two that were most likely to have them since they both have atmospheres most similar to the makeup of Earth’s. So not only will we be able to further explore how our planet was shaped, but we will be able to receive some answers from other planets in our solar system as well.
Scientists Are Still Unlocking The Mystery Of The Planet

In August of 2024, the team was able to publish their findings in an article. Uploaded to the academic journal Nature, those who are curious may read all about their mission’s methodology and the conclusions they were able to draw from it. As of now, the abstract is the only thing freely available to read; viewing the rest of the research paper requires a subscription.
Source: Nature