Indiana Jones Hidden Tomb Unearthed By Researchers

By Jacob VanGundy | Published

An archeological discovery has been made at the ancient city of Petra in Jordan. The site, which many would recognize from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, was hiding an ancient tomb. While it’s not the first grave to be discovered in the area, it remained undisturbed, making it a valuable academic find. 

Details of the discovery can be watched on Discovery+’s Expedition Unkown episode, “Hunt for Petra’s Lost Tomb.

Featured In Indiana Jones

The ancient monument, often called the Treasury, in Petra was an iconic setting in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and now a real-life tomb full of treasure has been found under it. While such a major archeological find would always be news within the field, its link to the Hollywood blockbuster has helped it gain notoriety. Fans have latched onto the story, which shares some details with the pulp hero’s archeological adventures. 

Unearthing The Hidden Treasures

Researchers have been investigating the famous Indiana Jones location for years after a pair of tombs were discovered under the structure’s left side. Suspecting there were more hidden chambers, sonar devices were used to investigate what was under the structure without preemptively digging it up. When the sonar devices uncovered the existence of chambers beneath the monument’s right side, the Jordanian government allowed the team to excavate it. 

Skeletons And Artifacts

Just like in an Indiana Jones movie, the researchers discovered an ancient tomb full of skeletons and artifacts. The grave holds 12 human skeletons and several artifacts made of iron, bronze, and ceramic. Belonging to the Nabateans, an ancient kingdom of nomads who ruled the area, the discovery could offer major insights into the lives and deaths of ancient people. 

One Of The Biggest Archeology Digs In The World

While there’s some novelty to the site’s Indiana Jones connection, the undisturbed nature of the tomb makes it a major discovery for the world of archaeology. Other grave sites have been discovered in the area, but most of them had already been robbed, with artifacts removed and remains disturbed or destroyed in the process. However, the newly discovered site was in good shape, with the artifacts in great condition and the skeletons intact.

Long before Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade introduced a generation of children to Petra, the ancient city was an important site for archaeologists, making the tomb discovery all the more shocking. For over 200 years, researchers have searched the area for ancient remains and artifacts. The fact that such a massive discovery was waiting just beneath the city’s most famous building was a huge shock for the community

Learning About The Past

While an Indiana Jones movie would center around the discovery of such a sight, for the real-life research team, the tomb’s discovery is just the beginning of the story. Both the skeletons and artifacts will be tested to learn as much as possible about the remains. The study of Nabateans is a major sub-file in archaeology, and the grave is a rare chance to learn about their funerary practices, religious beliefs, and cultural norms. 

It’s bizarre to think that an Indiana Jones movie was shot on top of a tomb full of ancient secrets, but that’s exactly what happened. The fictional archeologist now has a connection to the real people who uncovered the grave site. While the real story didn’t include any gun fights or car chases, it’s an exciting day for those interested in ancient archeology nonetheless.