Incredible Magic Trick Goes Viral After A Beautiful Woman Appears In A Chair

A viral magic trick is stunning people, as a woman seems to appear out of nowhere and sit on a chair in front of a crowded room.

By James Brizuela | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

magic trick

A magician has now gone viral, as his magic trick is sweeping the internet for how amazing it is. The magician showcases a simple chair in the middle of a crowded function, as he begins to float a blanket above the chair. Soon after, a beautiful woman appears out of thin air, leaving the crowd stunned.

This is undoubtedly some next-level magic, though many of the Twitter detectives believe that they have figured out the above trick. According to the internet, the chair itself is where the woman (who is presumed the magician’s assistant) is hiding. This would mean that she is quite the contortionist, as that chair is not all that big. Despite whatever is happening in the above video, it has gone viral.

At least the above video is getting people to talk about this amazing magic trick, and not attempt to belittle one another, which is the usual case for most online interactions when people do not agree. What is interesting is that the first portion of the video shows us the chair from the front, so it could be some sort of trap door that is housing the woman. However, the next portion of the video shows the side profile of the chair.

The side profile of the chair is then shown, which makes this magic trick seem impossible. The woman appears out of nowhere, increasing the impossibility of the illusion. If she is truly inside the chair, the side profile makes it that much harder for it to be believed that she climbs out of it. Also, if the assistant is truly leaving the chair, she has become quite an expert at it.

magician kit

A good magician never reveals their magic tricks, though Twitter is convinced that they have figured out what is truly happening. The magician performing this trick should think about taking it on Penn & Teller: Fool Us and see if the trick can amaze two of the best magicians in the entire world. The above magic trick might be from a few years ago, which could mean that the magician has also perfected it in that time as well.

Illusionary magic is quite astounding at times, and though the world has seen levitation and things of that nature, the beautiful woman appearing out of nowhere is quite good. Magic tricks have been around for hundreds of years, and it is great to see that they are evolving in such a way that it has people wanting to figure it out in droves. That certainly makes for a good magic trick in our book.

Everyone can watch the above magic trick and decide for themselves what they think is happening with the woman and the chair. We would assume that she might be coming out of the chair, but that would require a ton of flexibility and speed to make happen, which means it’s still a great feat of skill. We can’t remember the last time this many people were actively trying to figure out the solution to a magic trick together.