Incredible Dinosaur Skeleton Discovery Could Be New Species

By Christopher Isaac | Published

It is incredible to think that even after how much research has been done into dinosaurs that we are still capable of discovering new species. And yet that appears to be what has happened after archaeologists finished reassembling an unusual green dinosaur skeleton that does not bear any resemblance to previously known species.

Unusual Coloring Is A Point Of Consideration

dinosaur skeleton

This particular dinosaur skeleton was located in southeastern Utah by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. It is believed to be 150 million years old, and was found among a large variety of other dinosaur fossils belonging to various already known species. But this one in particular caught the eye of the research team due to its unusual color.

However, contrary to what one might expect, it is actually not the green color that makes this dinosaur skeleton so unique. As for the odd color, researchers believe that is merely the result of volcanic activity over the years heating up the adjacent area enough to cause nearby green minerals to seep into the bones.

Not Your Average Fossil

dinosaur skeleton

Leaving aside the color, the dinosaur skeleton itself actually appears to be unique from any other previously discovered dinosaur fossil. It is still being determined what the identity of the creature may have been and if it could possibly fit into any known classifications. Thus far, its closest counterpart appears to be as a member of the genus diplodocus, distinguished by being a dinosaur with a very long neck that walks on four legs, much like a brontosaurus.

Showing a bit of humor surrounding the discovery, the team that excavated the green dinosaur skeleton have named it “Gnatalie”, saying the pun is based on how many gnats were in the area at the time that they discovered the fossil. Excavators are excited about Gnatalie due to the possibility of discovering a new species, but they know many in the general public will be intrigued simply to see a green dinosaur skeleton.

Upcoming Exhibitions

dinosaur skeleton

Since being discovered and reassembled, Gnatalie is now being displayed in Los Angeles. Come November, Gnatalie will be the big attraction for the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. This will finally allow the public to get their own glimpse of the green dinosaur skeleton after the multi-million dollar reconstruction project focused on reassembling the fossilized creature.

Must Be Handled With Care

This particular dinosaur skeleton would have been quite an intensive project to reassemble due to how big the species is. After being reconstructed, it stands 75 feet in length and all of its bones together weigh in at around five tons. Reassembling such a large creature is not only a difficult process due to the tools required to lift such massive bones but is also a very delicate ordeal due to the care involved in not damaging the fragile remains in the process.

An Exciting New Discovery

It is no doubt further research will continue to be done on this dinosaur skeleton to try and figure out if it truly is a new species. Regardless, it will no doubt be a popular attraction if for nothing else than due to its distinctive color. One does not need to be a Jurassic Park fan to remain fascinated that we are still finding massive new ancient species to this day.