Debris From Shot Down UFOs Has Mysteriously Disappeared
The United States Department of Defense admits that no debris has been found from any of the UFOs shot down in the past 72 hours.

Over the past week, countries around the world have been reporting sightings of UFOs. From Canada to Uruguay, strange objects have been targeted for destruction by military leaders with a high level of success, even if one object reportedly fired back and downed U.S. aircraft. A new problem has arisen in that no one can seem to actually locate where the mysterious objects landed after being shot out of the sky.
Mentioned in the tweet by an open-source information account, one of the first UFOs shot down over Lake Huron has yet to be found by authorities. A joint effort between the United States and Canada involving the Department of Defense, Air Force, Coast Guard, and the Mounties has turned up no evidence of the “octagonal object with dangling strings.” While on the one hand, it would make sense for a government to deny they found evidence of life beyond our planet, it’s also not likely a cover-up given the high-profile nature of the strike coupled with public information on the very rare F-16 deployment over American soil.
Once Canada shut down airspace, there was no more denying that something out of the ordinary was taking place over the weekend. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressed his nation in the afternoon to express that the UFO presented a possible danger to the country. In the world of alien sightings, this was a bold move to acknowledge potential visitors from the stars.
It is not in the interest of either country to deny that debris has been recovered from the UFOs. Scrambling F-16s and closing down airspace cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and having nothing to show for the expenditure can be used to attack government waste. Claiming that they found the wreckage and there was nothing of interest, or that it was just a balloon, would be a much better cover-up than the reality of failing to locate anything.
This past weekend’s flurry of UFO activity follows a marked increase in sightings over the last year, which has resulted in the U.S. government re-examining past sightings by establishing a new branch of the Pentagon (All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office). The past two months have done more to remove the stigma of reporting sightings than ever before with, as evidenced this past weekend, close encounters being reported around the world.

So with all of the sightings, aircraft being deployed over the U.S.-Canada border, and claims of objects being shot down, where is the evidence? What if the UFOs are made of a material that disintegrates in our atmosphere when no longer held in place by whatever alloy makes up their craft? While it’s an odd place to pull a concept from, the Zach Braff Chicken Little film featured aliens with extensive camouflage technology which might make it near-impossible to find the debris.
No matter how open the world’s governments are about the discovery of UFOs, there will always be conspiracy theories about what’s really going on. This latest twist is one of those odd ones in which finding uninteresting remains would be in the best interest of the Pentagon. What’s behind the increase in sightings and the sudden push for a rapid response is unknown, as not everything is likely to be a Chinese spy balloon.
Where the UFOs came from, and where they are now, remains a mystery.