Deadly Snake Killed After Bite From Young Boy

By Chris Snellgrove | Published


Sure, you’ve heard of man bites dog, but have you ever heard of boy bites snake? Normally, when a young child encounters a poisonous cobra, our first thought is to be concerned that the snake will bite, poison, and subsequently kill the child. But in India, an eight-year-old boy recently defended himself against a cobra that had wrapped itself around his hand, biting the snake until it died.

Instead of getting bitten by the snake, Deepak decided to be the one doing the biting.

The boy in question has so far only been identified by the name Deepak. He lives in the Pandrapath village in Chhattisgarh and thought that he was perfectly safe while playing in his garden. But like the biblical Adam and Eve, he had no idea that a snake was lurking in the garden that would change his life forever.

king cobra snake

Once the snake appeared, it suddenly wrapped itself around the child’s hand. Understandably fearing a poisonous bite, Deepak began trying to shake the snake loose. This was arguably a bit of kindness to the creature: despite the child reporting that he was in extreme pain thanks to the snake’s sudden attack, his first attempts to get free didn’t involve hurting the creature in any way.

It turns out the snake had managed to bite the boy, but it was what is known as a “dry bite.”

Unfortunately for Deepak, Plan A didn’t work: the snake remained wrapped around his hand, the pain remained excruciating, and the child remained in major danger of a venomous bite. Facing a potentially fatal danger and with seemingly no way to shake his attacker loose, the child resorted to Plan B. Instead of getting bitten by the snake, Deepak decided to be the one doing the biting.

In very quick succession, the young boy gave the snake two bites of his very own. Plan B ended up being a major success: the snake released its grip on Deepak and later died from his wounds. Meanwhile, the boy received prompt medical treatment after surviving his scaly encounter.

His quick thinking quite possibly saved his life, and he has now become a role model for what to do when faced with something as unthinkable as a sudden snake attack.

As a precaution, a nearby medical clinic administered antivenom to Deepak just in case the snake had bitten him. The clinic kept the child under observation, and they soon discovered just how lucky Deepak had been. It turns out the snake had managed to bite the boy, but it was what is known as a “dry bite.” This is what happens when a snake (like the cobra in question) bites someone but does not actually release any venom into their body.

Upon further observation, Deepak showed no symptoms of venom or illness and was released by the medical clinic. Between the dry snake bite and his relative youth, the child recovered quickly from the frightening incident.

Deepak’s local community and the world at large can certainly commend the boy’s actions. His quick thinking quite possibly saved his life, and he has now become a role model for what to do when faced with something as unthinkable as a sudden snake attack.

With any luck, you won’t have to deal with any cobra attacks or snake bites in your lifetime. And if a rascally reptile wraps himself around you as it did with Deepak, we hope you can shake him off quicker than Taylor Swift. When all else fails, though, remember the lesson this young boy taught us: if you want to survive the night, stay alive with your own quick bite.

Source: The National News