Beautiful Historic Mural Celebrating Science In Danger Of Total Destruction

By TeeJay Small | Updated

According to a recent report from AP News, a historic medical mural is currently facing destruction unless a benefactor with thousands of dollars in disposable income steps forward to save it. The mural in question is titled “Medical Research Through the Ages,” and currently hangs in the lobby of Pfizer’s New York City office, where it has stood for over 6 decades. The medical research company relocated their headquarters to a new building in Hudson Yards, NY back in April 2023, leaving the previous structure to be gutted before the new tenants arrive to renovate.

Now, a residential apartment complex will be taking over the Manhattan building, and completely restructuring the interior, leaving no room for the medical mural to continue hanging.

The Pfizer medical mural is a beautiful piece of art and science history, depicting both ancient and modern science giants as well as ground-breaking scientific equipment used to advance the field of study. It is printed on a large interconnected series of tile mosaics hung against a metal backing, making it exceptionally difficult to remove and relocate. For more than half a century, this wasn’t a problem, as the employees who called the main Pfizer office their second home were more than happy to be greeted by the mural every day on their way through the lobby.

Several medical universities and conservationist groups have expressed interest in taking the mural, or at least contributing to the fund to have it carefully removed.

Now, a residential apartment complex will be taking over the Manhattan building, and completely restructuring the interior, leaving no room for the medical mural to continue hanging. The newly-appointed owners of the building, Metro Loft, have placed a tentative date of September 10 to have the art piece removed, unless someone steps in to purchase and relocate the 40-foot-wide and 18-foot-high structure on their own dime. Pfizer execs originally expressed interest in taking the mural with them, though they later argued that the money it would cost to break down, move, and re-mount the piece would be better spent on their patients.

The 60-year-old mural, entitled “Medical Research Through The Ages,” needs a new home, and risks being taken apart if it doesn’t find one.

Luckily, representatives from Metro Loft have confirmed that they have no plans to destroy the medical mural if their deadline is not met, though the piece will be broken up and placed in storage for the foreseeable future so that the company can continue construction efforts. Several medical universities and conservationist groups have expressed interest in taking the mural, or at least contributing to the fund to have it carefully removed, though experts suggest a proper re-homing of the enormous art piece would cost upwards of $20,000.

For now, there’s no telling what will happen to the medical mural, though fans of art and advanced science are surely rooting for an outcome which sees the piece prominently displayed for many years to come.

Despite the mural’s longstanding impact and renowned beauty, some people have actually argued that it wouldn’t be worth taking, since much of the original color has faded in the last two or three decades. Rhea Bel-Jon Calkins, the daughter of Greek American artist and original constructor of the medical mural Nikos Bel-Jon, has even lamented that the art has lost some of its luster due to a lack of care and upkeep from the Pfizer corporation. Bel-Jon Calkins maintains an active log of her father’s work online, which includes many expansive pieces similar to “Medical Research Through the Ages” in scale.

For now, there’s no telling what will happen to the medical mural, though fans of art and advanced science are surely rooting for an outcome which sees the piece prominently displayed for many years to come. Traditionally speaking, good things happen when industry leaders in the fields of art and science share a common interest.

Source: AP News