Ryu’s Anatomy Is A Bone of Contention In Street Fighter 6 Trailer
Well that's an interesting piece of the trailer.
This article is more than 2 years old

It would seem that the recently revealed Street Fighter 6 teaser teased more than just the game itself. As per our previous report, the footage features nearly photorealistic graphics, showing off years of Ryu’s training mirrored by his massive, well-defined muscles. However, some users noted a peculiar detail in the trailer; it would seem that Ryu didn’t just develop his upper body muscles, but those, or rather that, under his belt, suggesting that he might’ve trained other disciplines besides martial arts.
According to Kotaku, Street Fighter 6′s lackluster, 40-seconds long trailer, which spends the entire ten seconds showcasing the new game’s amazing graphic fidelity, and Ryu’s fantastic abs, also showed a bit more of Ryu than Capcom might’ve hoped for. The trailer then introduces Luke Sullivan, a newcomer to the franchise, introduced in 2016’s Street Fighter 5, before offering us a closeup look at Ryu’s never-before-seen anatomy at a 00:17 minute mark. Of course, things (emphasis on the thing) weren’t distasteful in terms of explicit nudity, but they were just enough to spark a discussion online.
In fact, a vast majority of gaming-loving Twitter users have noticed Ryu’s bulging gi (the non-ceremonial, fighting kimono), stating that it shows Ryu’s d*ck print or an outline of a penis as seen bulging through clothing. Whether Capcom endowed Street Fighter 6‘s Ryu by design, aiming for more graphical and anatomical fidelity remains to be seen, but the Japanese creators are notoriously known for fan service — content in works of fiction that’s intentionally added to please the audience. This content is often sexual in nature, such as sexual innuendo and nudity, best seen in anime content, but it is widely used in other media produced in Japan.
As fan content, endowing Ryu with an extra muscles in Street Fighter 6 is somewhat reasonable, considering the sheer popularity of Street Fighter video games in Japan. Capcom perhaps aimed to please its home audience by giving them something that might satisfy the obnoxiously ridiculous standards certain gamer girls uphold. In case of sheer graphical fidelity, well, kudos once again, Capcom, everything looks proportional, at least according to the fandoms’ diagrams of Ryu’s secret weapon stashed in his tattered white gi.
However, if the reaction to the trailer isn’t the one Capcom hoped for, well, it managed to garner a massive (pun intended) attention of the gaming world. The fans of the series spent no time beating around the bushed (pun intended yet again) and immediately took the opportunity to address the issue of Ryu’s soldier at ease. Is concealed carry legal in Japan because it would seem that Ryu’s bringing a gun to a fistfight.
All jokes aside, the recently released Street Fighter 6 trailer was just a teaser showing the upcoming game’s graphical fidelity, which is pretty nice looking. Unfortunately, no further details regarding the game were disclosed, and the fandom shouldn’t expect to see the fully released game this year. Its development status is also unknown, but it could potentially be released in 2023 for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S systems.