Zoe Saldana Reveals Guardians Of The Galaxy 4?

James Gunn strongly hinted during promotion for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 that the movie wouldn’t just be his last at Marvel but that it would also serve as the final chapter for “his” team of Guardians. Everyone in the cast except Chris Pratt seemed to echo his sentiments, especially Gamora actress Zoe Saldana. According to The Hollywood Reporter, however, Saldana hinted that Gamora and Star-Lord could see each other again, leaving fans to wonder if we’re getting Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 4.
Zoe Saldana mused aloud to the outlet that, should the Guardians of the Galaxy call on the Ravagers in the future, “…maybe Gamora and Peter will find a way back into each other’s lives, even if it’s just as friends.”
Zoe Saldana admitted that while she appreciates James Gunn’s decision not to force a romance between Peter Quill and the new Gamora, it felt like a “bittersweet decision.” The actress says that she went into what she calls the “final chapter” wanting alternate Gamora—the original died in 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War—to find a way to stay with the Guardians and become part of the team again.
Zoe Saldana is referring to the end of Vol. 3 when Gamora 2.0 goes back to her new family, the Ravagers, instead of staying with the Guardians’ crew. The actress thinks that her character would have been bothered by the way things ended with Quill—the previous Gamora’s boyfriend—because “even though she had no recollection of who he was, she had a sense that it must have been special.”

“…maybe Gamora and Peter will find a way back into each other’s lives, even if it’s just as friends.”
It’s the idea that Gamora and Peter will meet again somewhere down the road that opens up the possibility of a potential Guardians of the Galaxy 4. Disney itself never said that it wouldn’t make further Guardians films, and Vol. 3 even ends with the words “The Legendary Star-Lord will return,” ensuring fans that at least Peter Quill has a future in the MCU.
Recasting Gamora
One small problem stands in the way of a Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 4, however. Zoe Saldana has said in no uncertain terms that her time playing Gamora has come to an end.
On the other hand, characters like Gamora and Drax would be fairly easy to recast if Marvel decided to continue the Guardians without the original actors, at least visually. Slap some green paint on someone roughly Zoe Saldana’s build, and there you go, instant Gamora.
On the other hand, provided that Marvel isn’t in a hurry to get Guardians of the Galaxy 4 made, the studio could wait a while and see if Zoe Saldana comes around to the idea of picking up Gamora’s sword once again.
Replacing the chemistry Saldana had with Pratt might be a bit harder, but not impossible. Marvel has recast characters before such as Rhodey, Thaddeus Ross, Cassie Lang, etc., with varying levels of success.
There are plenty of actresses besides Zoe Saldana that could make the role of Gamora their own. Jennifer Lawrence, Zazie Beetz, Ana de Armas, and even Selena Gomez would all make excellent green-skinned space assassins if given the chance.
On the other hand, provided that Marvel isn’t in a hurry to get Guardians of the Galaxy 4 made, the studio could wait a while and see if Zoe Saldana comes around to the idea of picking up Gamora’s sword once again. Give the actress a few years to miss the character, and Marvel might find that Zoe Saldana is nostalgic for the story of Gamora and Star-Lord.