Zack Snyder Reacts To The Batman Trailer
Zack Snyder, he of his own universe of comic book movies, rang in on Twitter to give his reaction to the Matt Reeves The Batman trailer
This article is more than 2 years old

When a new comic book movie comes around, especially one with considerable hype, it’s always interesting to see what other huge names in the space think about what’s coming. And it’s especially interesting when a director who has handled a character before rings in on another’s new interpretation. That’s just what happened this weekend when Zack Snyder gave his brief, but overwhelmingly positive take on what Matt Reeves has put together with The Batman trailer which dropped at the DC FanDome event on Saturday.
Zack Snyder took to Twitter to pay Reeves the compliment and he spoke for all of us out there who’d been waiting with massive levels of excitement around what this next movie, a decidedly different take on the Caped Crusader. With Robert Pattinson in the lead and a dark noir-style vibe in nearly everything we’d seen up until this point (which admittedly wasn’t a ton), the trailer delivered in a big way. Snyder saw it the same way and took to Twitter to give props where props were due. Check it out.
Yup, that pretty much sums it up. The trailer for The Batman delivered in almost every way, setting the stage for a very (very) dark version of Gotham City, a more stripped-down and violent world than we’ve seen in past iterations of the character. Rooted more in reality, with a low-level feeling of dread throughout, the movie looks like a clear divergence from even Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy and definitely anything we saw in the Zack Snyder run of films. Those started with Man of Steel and looks like it ended with the Snyder cut of The Justice League.
For his part, Matt Reeves definitely heard the compliment from Zack Snyder and offered his own message back on Twitter. Though their styles are quite divergent, choosing significantly different vibes for their movies, in the comic book world there does appear a mutual understanding that everyone’s interpretations around characters, even the same one, will often counterbalance. Reeves took a path we haven’t seen all that often in the genre, opting to explore a non-origin story as well as more a thriller/ borderline horror vibe not usually reserved for the genre.
Where the two directors did choose the same path is casting big stars in their lead roles, especially for Batman. Snyder went the Ben Affleck route whereas Reeves opted for Pattison. The latter will be joined by Zoe Kravitz as Selena Kyle/ Catwoman, Collin Farrell as Oswald Cobblepot/ Penguin, and Paul Dano as Riddler.
It will still be some time before Zack Snyder, or the rest of us, are able to take in all of The Batman on the big screen. Having faced considerable delays, mostly related to Covid-19 pandemic production issues and theater closings, the flick is now on track to hit the big screen on March 4, 2022. There are already plans in the works to explore a bigger world here with sequels and spin-offs in the works as well. This first look at The Batman is clearly just the beginning.