The Worst Romance Movie Ever Made Is Dominating Netflix

By Jason Collins | Updated

Fifty Shades of Grey, also known as one of the best marketing stunts of our age, is perhaps one of the worst romance movies ever made. With that said, it’s also a very tasteful and softcore depiction of bedroom or sex dungeon naughtiness in cinema history, which is currently dominating Netflix.

The Most Popular Movie On Netflix

fifty shades of grey

2015’s Fifty Shades of Grey landed on Netflix just recently, and the movie skyrocketed to the top position on Netflix’s Most Watched list, which isn’t all that surprising considering that the movie explores an unconventional love story and the complicated nature of sex.

The story revolves around Christian Grey, a billionaire businessman who introduces an innocent girl, Anastasia Steele, to the world of BDSM and sexual pleasures. We won’t spoil the movie for anyone, but we’ll say that it was a massive commercial success.

No Chemistry Between The Stars

The movie stars Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan in the lead roles, and its commercial success brought about two sequel movies that further explored the development of their relationship along with all the thrilling and spicey bits.

However, the movie wasn’t a critical success; though many have considered it to be an improvement over the book it was based on, many critics openly disliked Fifty Shades of Grey, and to be entirely honest, the audiences weren’t thrilled about it—apart from the fans of E.L. James, the author of the novels the movie is based upon.

It’s Twilight But With A Millionaire


At the beginning of our article, we called Fifty Shades of Grey one of the best marketing stunts of our age, and the reason is closely related to the origin of the novels. Namely, E.L. James wrote spicey Twilight fan fiction featuring Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, publishing her work on fan-fiction websites under a pseudonym.

The story, called Master of the Universe, gained a significant following due to its mature and explicit content. This caused some controversy among Twilight fans, which prompted the author to remove the story and publish it on her own website.

Don’t Try This In Real Life, You’ll Be Arrested

fifty shades of grey

This is where things got interesting because E.L. James, who has now amassed a following, rewrote Master of the Universe as an original piece, rebranding it into Fifty Shades of Grey —a work of literature that already had an established fandom originating from a completely separate piece. It’s basically creating a demand before actually creating the supply, and E.L. James has done it masterfully. The books and the subsequent movies were insanely popular among her fans, as well as other fans of erotic literature.

And while the majority didn’t like Fifty Shades of Grey, its release prompted an increase in injuries related to BDSM and sex toy use, which have spiked dramatically.

On Top Of Netflix

One of the main issues with the movie is that it’s presented as a romance with underlying bondage, dominance, and BDSM while also dramatizing the dangers of unequal negotiation and the practical complexities of consent and respecting one’s limits. Especially the first movie in the trilogy.

Those interested in viewing this movie for themselves can watch Fifty Shades of Grey on Netflix since it’s currently dominating streaming.