The Worst Director Of All Time Is Back With A New Movie And It’s About A Big Shark
Tommy Wiseau, director of The Room, is finally back with another movie titled Big Shark, and the first trailer is a work of art.

Big Shark is the latest project from director Tommy Wiseau, whose previous film, The Room, is regarded by many as the worst movie ever made (he’s no Neil Breen). Even though the trailer for the upcoming horror flick just recently made its way online, it has been playing for months at theatrical screenings of the filmmaker’s The Room, according to Variety. The movie is scheduled to arrive in select theaters early next month, ahead of the Josh Lucas-led shark attack feature The Black Demon, which also releases in April.
The story centers on three firefighters who must save the city of New Orleans from an enormous shark. Along with writing and directing Big Shark, Tommy Wiseau stars as a character named Patrick in the movie. The cast comprises Erica Mary Gillheeney, Joseph Poliquin, Ashton Leigh, Kaleb Naquin, Jeff Pearson, Isaiah LaBorde, Mark Valeriano, Wayne Douglas Morgan, Thomas Johnston, Raul Phoenix, Amber Nicole Dalton, Billie Dalton, and Elaina Guidry.
Greg Sestero was originally attached to star in Big Shark as Georgie, and a 2019 trailer for the film billed him as one of the leads. Nevertheless, the actor, who co-starred alongside Tommy Wiseau in 2003’s The Room, isn’t featured in the new trailer in any capacity. That said, it’s unclear if Sestero had any involvement with the final movie.
Big Shark will begin its big screen run on April 2 at Cinema 21 in Portland, Oregon. After that, it’ll screen at Prytania Theaters at Canal Place in New Orleans on April 28-29, the Balboa Theater in San Francisco on May 5-6, the Landmark Westwood in Los Angeles on June 2-3, and the Village East by Angelika in New York from August 10-12. Per Variety, Tommy Wiseau plans to attend each “pre-premier” screening, with the full theatrical rollout continuing for approximately eight months.

Long before he began work on Big Shark, Tommy Wiseau released The Room, which quickly gained a reputation as a so-bad-it’s-good movie. Wiseau’s performance as the lead character Johnny is particularly noteworthy, as his odd accent and wooden delivery of lines have become iconic among fans. The film’s nonsensical plot, awkward dialogue, and bizarre editing choices have also contributed to its cult status.
Going off the new trailer for Big Shark, fans can expect Tommy Wiseau’s trademark absurdity and lack of concern for conventional filmmaking rules. The footage features poorly rendered CGI sharks, horrendous acting, and cringy dialogue. In other words, the film may not be winning any Oscars, but fans of Wiseau’s work are sure to appreciate the film’s unintentionally humorous moments and bizarre storytelling.
Big Shark arrives in select theaters on April 2. In the meantime, if you truly want to torture yourself for 99 minutes, The Room is currently streaming exclusively on Shudder. The film stars Tommy Wiseau, Juliette Danielle, Greg Sestero, Philip Haldiman, Carolyn Minnott, Robyn Paris, Mike Holmes, Dan Janjigian, Kyle Vogt, Greg Ellery, Piper Gore, Kari McDermott, Jennifer Vanderbliek, Bennett Dunn, Padma Moyer, Daron Jennings, Thomas E. Webster, and Nora DeMarcky.