Full Look At Star Trek’s New USS Voyager-J With Detached Nacelles
Last week on Star Trek: Discovery the show teased a ship called the Voyager J. As the name suggests, it's the successor to Katherine Janeway's famous ship from the 1990s television series.
This article is more than 2 years old
Last week on Star Trek: Discovery the show teased a ship called the Voyager-J. As the name suggests, it’s the successor to Katherine Janeway’s famous ship from the 1990s television series. But they only teased it, all we saw was a tiny piece of the ship’s bow. Here’s what we saw…

It wasn’t much. But all that just changed. CBS just dropped a promotional poster which shows us the entire ship. Here it is…

That is the Voyager-J up in the top left corner of the poster. Here’s a zoomed in look at it…

The first thing you probably noticed was the ship’s warp nacelles. The Voyager-J features detached nacelles and as revealed in the Star Trek: Discovery episode which first showed it off, detached warp nacelles are apparently all the rage in the future. So why don’t the warp nacelles need to be actually connected to the ship with struts? Some sort of unknown future mumbo jumbo the show hasn’t explained yet.
What’s remarkable is how the new Voyager-J manages to look totally different and future updated, while still also strongly resembling the original Intrepid class ship captained by Janeway. Here’s the original Voyager for comparison…

The new Voyager-J is a fantastic design, one I hope we get a more detailed look at in the future. It’s also symbolic of how much harder Star Trek: Discovery is working to actually feel like, well, Star Trek. Previous seasons didn’t bother and even the first episode of this season 3 seemed like it was going full Star Wars. Since then though, Star Trek: Discovery season 3 has been inching its way towards, for the first time, actually becoming a Star Trek show. It’s not there yet, but it’s on its way.
The Voyager-J isn’t, of course, the only ship featured in the Discovery Federation poster. Second from the top in the poster is the USS Nog, named for the same-named character on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Here’s a closer look…

On the actual season 3 episode the USS Nog looked like this…

Oddly enough for a poster labeled “Federation Headquarters” you don’t really get a good look at actual Federation Headquarter in this poster. It seems more interested in the ships like the Voyager-J helping to power Starfleet’s new HQ. The ship at the bottom of the poster is the hammerhead vessel which was featured in the episode. Here’s a closer look…

We don’t know much about that particular ship, but it’s the most wildly different design. It doesn’t seem to have warp nacelles at all.
Hopefully we’ll get a better look at the Voyager-J and all these ships as the season goes on. It’s clear the Star Trek: Discovery has put a ton of work into coming up with new and interesting ships, and new ships is half the fun of Star Trek. Give us a better look at them, CBS.