How Vadic’s Hand Worked In Star Trek: Picard, Revealed
Terry Matalas has Tweeted some revealing information about Vadic's hand, stating that "The device Vadic cut her hand off on sent a subspace signal to the Collective so they could communicate."

A common industry idiom is that you don’t want to know how the sausage gets made. But in the case of Star Trek: Picard, we’re eager to learn what’s up with Vadic’s hand.
Though fans have had some theories about the HandBoss that have yet to be confirmed, showrunner Terry Matalas has Tweeted some revealing information, stating that “The device Vadic cut her hand off on sent a subspace signal to the Collective so they could communicate.”
In addition to revealing that Vadic’s hand sent signals using the device under it, Matalas also confirms the identity of the demonic face talking through her hand. The HandBoss is actually the Borg queen. It was the back of her head that we saw in Star Trek: Picard‘s most recent episode “Vox.
Vadic’s advanced physiology is the result of medical experiments endured by her and her loved ones during the Dominion War, and this presents a two-fold issue. Not only is Vadic primed for revenge against Starfleet, but she’s more powerful than your typical changeling, which quite literally gives her the upper hand.

Not only will Vadic’s hand evolve and reveal its true form, but we will learn who she’s reporting to. And whoever this may be revealed to be will be a frightening revelation. Vadic herself is already a very intimidating villain, so if she’s afraid to disobey orders from her faceless superior, then it goes without question that something far more sinister than we expected is going to reveal itself as the series approaches its conclusion.
By the looks of it, Terry Matalas has been having quite a bit of fun interacting with fans of Star Trek on Twitter. This most recent revelation about Vadic’s hand only helps in weaving a rich tapestry of what’s to come.
Twitter user @Kernow_Tales expressed how happy he is about the plot points being explained by the showrunner himself, and up to this point didn’t think Twitter was even a viable platform to connect with his favorite franchise.
Up to this point, Star Trek: Picard has been a satisfying watch, and it’s safe to say that they’re saving the best of the series for the final episodes to keep us on the edge of our seats. Now that we know that Vadic’s hand is controlled by unknown forces, we’re going to have to reconsider the reach and power of the Borg, and what the “collective” truly means in this context.
Though we’re not sure of the status of Star Trek: Legacy, we hope that any questions left unanswered by Picard’s conclusion will eventually come to light and be explored further.
The final two episodes of Picard are playing in 10 IMAX theaters one day ahead of the final episodes Paramount+ release on April 20, 2023.