The Star Trek Crossover Everyone Wants To See Again

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and the animated Lower Decks are both great Trek shows, but no one ever expected the two to crossover. The crossover between them was a fantastic episode that was one of the most entertaining things the Paramount Trek TV universe has put out. Needless to say, fans want more, and it seems like the people involved in the episode want more, too.
The Cast And Crew Are On Board

Star Trek: Lower Decks creator Mike McMahan, producer Alex Kurtzman, and Jonathan Frakes, who directed the crossover episode, have all expressed interest in bringing the concept back for another episode. McMahan said that he spoke to Alex Kurtzman about doing another episode, and Kurtzman’s reply was “absolutely. Frakes also appeared at the Trek Talks 3 panel and said that there have been discussions about another episode “ever since we wrapped.”
Given the popularity of the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks crossover episode, it seems inevitable that the studios would want to put together another one. Not only that, but the entire cast and crew clearly had a blast making the episode. It seems like absolutely everyone involved is on board to do it again, so it would be weird if we don’t see it happen in the near future.
No Official Updates Yet

The Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks crossover was something that was unexpected yet worked perfectly. Strange New Worlds follows Captain Pike, Number One, and Spock as they explore the galaxy on the USS Enterprise, making it a fairly standard Trek show. Meanwhile, Lower Decks is an animated comedy that follows the support crew on one of the least important ships in Starfleet.
Those Old Scientists

The Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks crossover, titled “Those Old Scientists,” brought Tawny Newsome and Jack Quaid’s Lower Decks characters to the world of live-action for the first time. The episode sees Quaid and Newsome’s characters sent back in time, where Captain Pike and the USS Enterprise crew have to work to find a way to send them back. The episode was relatively low-stakes, entertaining, funny, and gave us some great character interactions.
Strange New Comedy

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds isn’t a comedy, so it was hilarious to see Anson Mount, Ethan Peck, and Rebecca Romijin get a chance to flex their comedic muscles. It was also cool to see the characters from Lower Decks in a live-action context. Hopefully, if there is another crossover episode, they find a way to bring more characters from Lower Decks over to live-action.
More Trek On The Way

In the meantime, we can look forward to more from both Star Trek shows in the future. Season 3 of Strange New Worlds is in the midst of filming, and the fifth season of Lower Decks is in production as well. We’ll have to wait and see if a crossover episode is in those production plans.