Tom Welling Returning To Smallville, Our Scoop Confirmed
Our exclusive has been confirmed and it looks like Tom Welling is working on a return to Superman in a new Smallville production.
This article is more than 2 years old

While not everyone has had great staying power when it comes to the character of Superman on the big screen, the same isn’t true for the small screen. Tom Welling held down the Clark Kent role for years becoming synonymous with the character. And it looks like he’ll keep going with it as well. Giant Freakin Robot had the original scoop that Smallville would be returning in some fashion for The CW and Welling confirmed as much on Wednesday. He said that he is bringing the show back, but in animated form.
The message from Tom Welling came on Cameo. Apparently, he and series co-star Michael Rosenbaum are working on the animated version of the show with the hopes of bringing back original cast members to voice their previous roles. It’s an ambitious undertaking but could be well worth it considering the world they built with the original program. There are plenty of stories to mine from the characters and bringing it in animated form will give them new avenues to explore. Check out what TomWelling had to say about this exciting new project:
How far Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum get with this new project remains to be seen, but it’s fitting that the two are working on it together. Rosenbaum played Lex Luthor on the show for seven seasons before the character was originally killed off and the actor left the show. But the latter does return in another form in the series finale, establishing the true turn to evil we knew was always coming for Luthor. He was as much a part of the fabric of what worked on Smallville as Welling. The on-screen relationship between Clark and Lex was vital to how the show structured its story early on. Getting to see how both became iconic characters over the show’s run was one of the main reasons behind the program’s staying power.
The new animated Smallville show would likely pick up after the events of the original show. In that ending, we saw Tom Welling finally make the full transformation into Superman, replete with the traditional suit as well as the ability to fly. The series had always been working towards this ending, making it a true origin story for the character which lasted more than a decade. Welling would go on to reprise the role in the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” sage in CW’s Arrowverse. His appearance was in a Batwoman episode.
There are few other details around this new series possibly coming from Tom Welling. There was a Smallville comic book that was released to tell the story of “Season 11” which helped expand the story and the universe as well. There’s some chance this new animated series could pick up here with the source material already in place. Giving it an animated run would allow them to bring in more of the DC Universe as well and also put on display Superman’s powers that the show often worked to avoid until the end. We are sure to get more details soon on what the two have planned and how it will connect to the Smallville story.