Fan-Favorite 1990s DC Superhero Series Getting Huge Upgrade

Thrilling news awaits superhero aficionados and those nostalgic for the ‘90s (myself included): The Flash, the innovative series that comprised one much-beloved season in 1990, is set to make a grand re-entry into our lives via a stellar Blu-ray release.
The show starred John Wesley Shipp as the incredibly swift Barry Allen, aka The Flash. Demonstrably before its time, the series rode the first and largely unsung wave of the video game boom and, despite a brief run, significantly impacted culture, superhero fans, and the genre as a whole.
New The Flash Series Blu-Ray

Coming this summer, fans can look forward to a brand spanking new, Blue-ray edition, brought to us by Warner Archive. Offering a meticulously remastered, stunning 1080p HD version derived from 4K scans of the original film negatives, the release ensures a visual feast.
Indeed, this is a level of visual excellence that simply wasn’t possible for The Flash way back in 1990, when the show initially broadcasted (nor could subsequent home releases deliver this degree of magic.
John Wesley Shipp’s DC Legacy

Of course, any Flash fan will tell you that, following his celebrated (though all too brief) portrayal of Barry Allen, John Wesley Shipp has gone on to achieve and enjoy an iconic status in the Flash universe.
Yes, that was Shipp who handled voice acting duties for Reverse-Flash in Batman: The Brave and the Bold—but his contributions didn’t stop there: tackling the characters of Henry Allen and Jay Garrick in The CW’s reboot of the franchise, Shipp returned to the Flash universe with a major bang.
The Flash Culmination

Not stopping there, Shipp’s legacy, his inseparable bond with the character, poignantly played a role in that same network’s crossover projects, Elseworlds and Crisis on Infinite Earths.
There, the actor offered a fitting conclusion to Barry’s long, multi-series arc, begun with The Flash in 1990. For many fans, this functioned as the closure they craved, especially given the sudden (unfeeling, I say) cancellation of the original series.
The Flash Had Major Cameos

For a show that lasted one brief season over two decades ago, the series nonetheless boasted some impressive and dynamic appearances from notable actors, including Mark Hamill and Richard Belzer; its supporting cast was also memorably rounded out by Amanda Pays and Alex Désert.
The Flash Series More Than Superheroes

Superhero fans remember a series that amounted to more than high-speed chases and superhuman powers on full, unending display.
Perhaps more than DC or Marvel today do with any number of superhero regulars, the series delved deeply into the origins of Allen, a police crime technologist who gains extraordinary powers from a lab mishap.
The Flash of 1990 also benefited from Pays portrayal of medical researcher Tina McGee, who assists Allen in employing his newfound powers to subdue an array of villains afflicting Central City.
Returning To The 90s With The Flash

Of course, untold masses missed out on the original episodes when they aired; ditto for the subsequent VHS and DVD releases. In their stead, this upcoming Blu-ray edition should provide a pristine and unparalleled viewing experience.
The Blu-ray will come with the expanded pilot initially put out on laserdisc. Moreover, look forward to three feature-length movies welded together from various episodes.
What should result in the Blu-ray version of The Flash that debuted in 1990 is the perfect opportunity for OG fans and newcomers to enjoy the series in all its depth.
Source: ComicBookTV