The Boys Gen V Reveals Weapon That Can Destroy Homelander

Homelander is undoubtedly the strongest supe in The Boys, and he’s proven to be pretty impossible to kill. However, the newest The Boys spin-off, Gen V, recently revealed a weapon that could spell trouble for the Seven’s leader. Here’s your spoiler warning if you aren’t caught up on the show yet.
Gen V is a largely disconnected story from the current storyline of The Boys, but that doesn’t mean certain elements won’t play a role in future seasons of the flagship series. For one, the series points out that the Seven is looking to fill some roster spaces after Starlight and Queen Maeve quit. Also, the sonic weapon showcased in the series seems like it’s being set up as a potential supe killer.
The guards stationed at The Woods in Gen V use a handheld sonic device to incapacitate supes.
In the second episode of Gen V, we see a small weapon that emits high-intensity sound waves being used to completely incapacitate Andre. Since Compound V gives supes enhanced senses, it makes sense that a device like this could overwhelm their sense of hearing. The frequencies and amplified sounds of the weapon bring Andre to his knees and prevent him from being able to do anything. It stands to reason that Homelander would have similar problems against such a weapon.
Gen V also seems to be setting up some other future problems for Homelander, as there are hints in the series that Homelander may be facing a trial after murdering a protestor in plain sight at the end of the previous season.
Gen V isn’t the first time we’ve seen sound bother a supe, as an episode in Season 2 showed Homelander himself affected by the power of sound. Frenchie sets up a loud sonic weapon to distract Homelander, which Homelander immediately destroys. It shows that the sonic weapon was enough of a distraction for Homelander that he had to prioritize taking it out over everything else.

The sonic weapon seen in Gen V seems to be even more powerful and specifically designed to target the enhanced hearing sense of supes, rather than being used as a distraction. If Homelander is taken by surprise, this weapon could very well be used to do some serious damage. Though it likely won’t be easy, as Homelander especially seems to be on his toes after his near brush with defeat at the hands of a Compound V-enhanced Billy Butcher and Solider Boy.
Gen V isn’t the first time we’ve seen sound bother a supe, as an episode in Season 2 showed Homelander himself affected by the power of sound.
Gen V also seems to be setting up some other future problems for Homelander, as there are hints in the series that Homelander may be facing a trial after murdering a protestor in plain sight at the end of the previous season. With the Boys still trying to come up with a way to take out Homelander and him dealing with some legal issues on the side, it’s possible that we might see him on the ropes more than we’re used to. Of course, the cheers he got from murdering that protestor also seemed to make him feel more confident than ever — not to mention the fact that Ryan seems to be getting some undue influence from his dear old dad.
For now, we’ll just have to wait and see if Gen V‘s sonic weapon plays a bigger part in the upcoming season of The Boys. In the meantime, you can catch new episodes on Amazon Prime every Thursday. Stay tuned for more news on The Boys and the upcoming fourth season.