Stranger Things And Metallica Are Collaborating Once Again
Stranger Things made Metallica quite popular, not that the band needed much help in that department, but the show and band are also officially collaborating.
This article is more than 2 years old

For those of you who might not have been engaged in anything relating to Netflix last month, you may have missed the marriage of heavy metal and Stranger Things. In an episode of the fourth season of the series, a character named Eddie Munson entered the upside-down and became an instant legend. The character played Metallica’s hit 1986 song, “Master of Puppets,” leaving the world obsessed with the scene. Eddie Munson actor, Joseph Quinn, has also become a legend. He has been seen jamming with Metallica, further expanding the relationship between the show and the band. Now, Metallica is officially collaborating with Stranger Things again, as new merch will be released highlighting the club from the show. You can see the merch below:
To their credit, Metallica has released some great-looking Stranger Things shirts. The Hellfire Club is the name of the Dungeons & Dragons players that is comprised of Dustin, Eddie Munson, and most of the rest of the gang from Hawkins. They are horribly mistaken for a cult when deaths begin to happen around Hawkins. We understand that this is a major cash crab for Metallica, but they have also been leaning heavily into the fact that Stranger Things featured them in the series. Metallica likely received a ton more exposure for having appeared in the show, just like Kate Bush, the difference being the heavy metal act has been steadily popular since the 1980s. No offense to Kate.
One of the best moments from the show is when the kids are rushing to find a song to wake up Nancy from her Vecna state, and Eddie Munson has nothing but heavy metal tapes. Robin asks for “music, we need music!” to which Eddie responds while holding an Iron Maiden cassette, “THIS IS MUSIC!” We are not saying that heavy metal, Dungeons & Dragons, and Stranger Things work well together, but it makes sense why Metallica is latching on to promoting their song being featured on the show. Anyone who happens to be a fan of Metallica and Stranger Things can now sport that same fandom with one shirt. It does look great, as the demon on the shirt is far more exaggerated than the one in the series. It works well.
Stranger Things has always been about featuring music from the 1980s in the given year of its popularity. They have gone through great lengths to keep the fictional show as accurate as possible with the decade they are living in. Even Winona Ryder became a 1980s historian for the show, ensuring that the Duffer Brothers were always correct in their references. So, it makes sense that Metallica was featured in 1986, just as the band had become massively popular in the mid-1980s.
Stranger Things Season 4 is currently streaming on Netflix, and for those who have not seen it yet, you can watch the show and see why everyone has become obsessed with Metallica and Kate Bush. Those are two musical acts we never thought we would speak in the same sentence, but here we are. Check out the series right now, and go pick up a Metallica X Stranger Things shirt.