5 Stargate Plot Holes That Still Need To Be Filled
Stargate needs to figure out these plot holes.

The Stargate franchise is one of the most complex and detailed in all of science fiction, which is really saying something in a world that has the overlapping Multiverse of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and whatever is going on with Star Wars Legends these days. Naturally, when you have a canon so dense (arguably, too complex to appeal to any potential new fans), you’re going to end up with some dangling plotlines. Here are the most glaring of them:
What Happened To The Replicators?

The Replicators are essentially the Borg of the Stargate universe, an artificial race of self-replicating (get it?) machines who relentlessly consume resources and exterminate any possible threats. While the block-like insectile species was first introduced as the creation of a childlike android on a distant world, it was eventually revealed that the original Replicators were even more advanced nanites who eventually assumed a human-like form in the Pegasus Galaxy. The Asurans (as that Replicator faction was dubbed) were mostly destroyed, except for a contingent in deep space.
And…that’s just kind of how Stargate left things, with a small but significant group of self-replicating machine entities who had previously shown themselves to be a threat to all life in the universe just kind of being left to their own devices. We need answers on this.
How Did The Goa’uld Infiltrate Earth?

The original 1994 Stargate film starring Kurt Russell and James Spader established the basic premise of the franchise: alien technology connects worlds through cool liquid portals with an ancient Egyptian theme, but the aliens are bad. The expanded universe of the subsequent shows canonized the bad guys as the Goa’uld, megalomaniacal parasites with an expansive interstellar empire, but it never bothered to explain exactly the how and why the aliens selected Earth for these purposes.
It’s pretty weird that Stargate has never really delved into the infiltration of Earth by Ra (Jaye Davidson) and how the Goa’uld established themselves as gods over humanity. It would seem like a pretty basic plot point for the franchise to flesh out, so why has the story never been told?
What Happened To The Furlings?

The Furlings are one of the most mysterious and hotly debated alien species in the Stargate mythos, an ancient (though not the Ancients) and advanced civilization that apparently once thrived in the Milk Way Galaxy, but are never seen. Almost nothing is known of the Furlings, other than they were once part of a benevolent alliance of species, they had incredible technology, and they’re just kind of not around anymore.
What gives? The 200th episode of Stargate SG-1 centered around an imaginary encounter with living Furlings (who had a distinct resemblance to Star Wars’ Ewoks), but there has been virtually no indication of whether they are extinct, hidden, moved on to another part of the universe, or even what they actually look like. If you’re going to set up an alien race to be so interesting and important, why tell us nothing about them?
Why Didn’t The Wraith Invade Other Galaxies?

The Wraith is one of the Stargate franchise’s most feared threats, basically being immortal space vampires from another galaxy who are also kind of like humanoid bugs. The pale-skinned hive-dwellers originate in the Pegasus Galaxy, where they periodically emerge from centuries-long hibernations to feed on whole planets. When the Wraith eventually learn of the existence of Earth as a potential source of food/life energy, their targets are set toward the Milky Way Galaxy.
However, that just raises the question of why they specifically need Earth. There are literally billions of other galaxies and based on the premise of the show, plenty of lifeforms everywhere. Why have they not ever attempted to colonize other galaxies, and only the one that gives them the most pushback?
What Happened To The Asgard’s Technology?

The Asgard is one of the nice alien species of Stargate, despite looking exactly like the bad guys from The X-Files and having the culture of Thor from the MCU. One of the original benevolent civilizations of the Milky Way galaxy along with the Ancients, the aforementioned Furlings, and the Nox, the Asgard relied on a system of cloning that eventually led to fatal genetic degradation.
Naturally, the Asgard did the logical thing and decided to communally immolate their entire species and culture on their homeworld. Supposedly, the Grey-like alien species took all their tech (which made the Goa’uld look like cavemen) out with them, except they gave a human ship copies of all their blueprints, like nothing bad was going to happen there. So now that a random bunch of humans have some of the most advanced technology ever seen in two galaxies, what happens next?