The Perfect Classic Star Wars Game That Deserves A Remaster

If you’re a Star Wars fan who loves video games, then you’ve been eating good lately. In addition to a constant influx of brand-new games, a growing number of classics from yesteryear are getting remastered and re-released to the joy of old fans and new fans alike. However, I’m here to tell you about one absolutely perfect game that needs a remaster, especially because it never even got a port: the Sega classic Star Wars Trilogy Arcade.
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade

Star Wars Trilogy Arcade came out in 1998, which was really the perfect time for such a game. Fans were one year away from getting The Phantom Menace, and the special editions of the Original Trilogy had just hit theaters in 1997.
In other words, this was a period where Star Wars fever was at an all-time high, but fans only had the original films (and, of course, the Expanded Universe) to obsess over.
As you’ve probably guessed, Star Wars Trilogy Arcade focuses only on the Original Trilogy, providing a mix of flying and shooting levels based on different films.
For example, the Battle of Yavin takes place entirely in space, requiring the player to shoot down TIE Fighters and navigate Death Star turbo lasers before traveling down the trench to blow up this station.
It may sound simple, but trying to get your proton torpedoes into the exhaust port in one go perfectly captures the cinematic tension of Luke Skywalker’s onscreen exploits.
Endor And Hoth

The levels based on The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi offer a mix of flying and first-person-shooting levels: for example, you defend Hoth by taking on the attacking AT-ATs and AT-STs before heading into the base and shooting the Stormtroopers and even Wampas that threaten everyone inside.
In the Endor level, an exciting speeder bike chase leads to a first-person attack on the Imperial base, complete with a cool showdown with an AT-ST (which is a lot harder to take out without your snow speeder).

Speaking of showdowns, Star Wars Trilogy Arcade also provides a special treat in the form of two lightsaber duels: one with Boba Fett where you deflect his blasts above the Sarlacc Pit, and another with Vader aboard the second Death Star.
If you make it through all of these early levels (space combat, ground combat, and saber battles), you get the chance to head back into space and blow this new battle station up, something that requires precise aim and timing worthy of a Jedi.

As video games go, Star Wars Trilogy Arcade is pretty basic…it’s an on-rails shooter that is completely linear and doesn’t take that long to complete. However, this is a case where simplicity is a feature, not a bug.
The title condenses the coolest moments from the greatest film trilogy into a series of thrilling levels that bring you to a galaxy far, far away like never before.
That simplicity also makes it that much easier to remaster Star Wars Trilogy Arcade and port it to various consoles, like what recently happened with the classic FPS Dark Forces.
All this game really needs is a leaderboard where players can compete for the highest score; between this and some challenging achievements, more gamers than ever before could enjoy this vintage title in style.
Remaster It!

You’ve probably picked up on this by now, but I’m a huge Star Wars Trilogy Arcade fanboy: the game got way too many of my quarters back in high school, and now that my local arcade has it, I get to party like it’s 1998 whenever I want.
However, this game is far too cool to be restricted to a few niche arcades and collectors’ garages. It deserves all the love it can get, and I’m here to make a humble request: help me, Sega-wan Kenobi–you’re my only hope for a killer remaster, one that countless fans have waited decades to experience.