Netflix Sci-Fi Series From Spike Jonze Finally Happening

By Douglas Helm | Updated

spike jonze netflix

Spike Jonze makes some of the most interesting films in Hollywood, even if he doesn’t make them very often. But now World of Reel is reporting that Spike Jonze has actually been quite busy over the past couple of years, as he’s been working on a Netflix sci-fi series since 2022. Right now, the details are scant, but Jonze is on board to direct, and the series has a writer’s room.

A Lead To Be Announced Soon

There were also rumors that Joaquin Phoenix would star in the Spike Jonze Netflix series, but reportedly, the strike complicated things, and now he’s being replaced with a different lead.

It’s also reported that this new lead is set to be announced very soon. This would be a big announcement since both Jonze and Netflix have remained pretty much silent about this potential collaboration.


Spike Jonze developing a full sci-fi series for Netflix sounds like the perfect match, especially considering his history with the genre. Most recently Jonze directed the 2013 film Her, which was one of the best modern hard sci-fi films of all time.

Joaquin Phoenix starred as a man who falls in love with his AI assistant (Scarlett Johansson), and the movie has managed to only become more relevant since its release over a decade ago.

His Other Work

Jonze’s feature directorial debut was also the wildly inventive Being John Malkovich, which follows a man (John Cusack) who finds a portal into John Malkovich’s mind. The film was also the feature debut of Charlie Kaufman, who wrote the script.

Between Being John Malkovich and Her, Spike Jonze also directed 2002’s Adaptation and 2009’s Where the Wild Things Are.


Spike Jonze’s Netflix series will be far from his first foray into TV altogether, as he co-created Jackass with Jeff Tremaine and Johnny Knoxville.

While Jonze was very involved in that series, it seems like a pretty safe bet that his sci-fi series will be a bit different. As entertaining as Jackass is, Jonze’s work has definitely taken on a more dramatic flair since the prank and stunt show was on the air.

It’s Good That Netflix Isn’t Abandoning Visionaries

meta movies

It’s also good to see that creatives like Spike Jonze are given the chance to have some free creative reign at Netflix, especially considering Netflix’s recent statements about moving away from auteurs and focusing more on audiences.

Netflix has found some of its biggest critical successes by allowing auteurs like Martin Scorsese, Jane Campion, Alfonso Cuaron, David Fincher, and more to have the freedom and funds they need to make quality projects. Moving away from that would be the opposite of what audiences want, especially if it means taking away a Spike Jonze sci-fi series.

In any case, the Spike Jonze Netflix series seems like it might be closer than ever based on this report. Hopefully, Jonze and Netflix will make it official soon with a real announcement about the progress on the show, what it’ll be about, and who will be in the cast. Stay tuned and we’ll keep you updated.

Source: World of Reel