Controversial SNL Alumni Reveals Inoperable Tumor

Hardcore fans of Saturday Night Live will be shocked and dismayed to learn that former cast member Victoria Jackson has been diagnosed with inoperable cancer. The 65-year-old impressionist has revealed that a marble-sized tumor in her chest is pressing up against her windpipe, which would eventually suffocate her to death if left untreated. While an operation to remove the tumor is not possible, Jackson will be taking a so-called “magic pill,” which was recently prescribed to her by her medical team.
Victoria Jackson’s Cancer Prognosis
If Victoria Jackson’s magic pill does the trick, the cancerous tumor should shrink down to a manageable size and allow her to stick around a little bit longer. As the SNL alumnus explained to fans via social media, her personal research suggests that she may only have 32 months to live at this time. True to her comedic nature, Jackson has been jocular about the entire upsetting affair, and has frequently made a point to joke and laugh about the entire process.
Treating The Tumor With Ribociclib

The magic pill which Victoria Jackson referred to in one social media post is based on the cancer growth blocker Ribociclib, which is said to have a fairly significant benefit to those with advanced forms of cancer. Many fans may recall Jackson’s previous bout against the disease back in 2016, when she revealed to the world that she was battling breast cancer, which she ultimately beat. Unfortunately, many cancer survivors face an increased risk of growing additional tumors down the line, which seems to be the case for the Miami-born actress.
Jackson’s Legendary SNL Run

For those who may not remember, Victoria Jackson was a key player on Saturday Night Live from 1986 through 1992, and often took on the task of satirizing popular women in media including Sally Struthers and Roseanne Barr. During her time on the live variety show, she performed alongside such massive names in modern comedy as Jon Lovitz, Dana Carvey, Ben Stiller, Mike Myers, Chris Rock, Chris Farley, and Adam Sandler.
Long after she’s gone, Victoria Jackson will be defined not by her cancer, but by her hilarious and frequent inclusions on SNL’s Weekend Update segment, which has remained a fan favorite for several decades.
Jackson’s Bucket List

In more recent posts from Victoria Jackson, she has counted her blessings, and walked through a brief but significant list of things she’d like to scratch off of her bucket list if she does indeed succumb to the cancer. For starters, Jackson says she has a grandson named Jimmy who is due to be born in October. Given that even conservative estimates grant her a small handful of years to live, Jackson feels confident that she can at least meet and form a bond with little Jimmy before her time is up.
Jackson Has Few Regrets About Her Life

Regardless, Victoria Jackson says that she has “had a fantastic life,” and has very few regrets about her time on Earth. If she can survive long enough to see her other daughter have a baby, the comedian says that would truly be a bonus. Beyond that, Victoria Jackson is once again taking her fight with cancer head on and without fear.