Sebastian Stan And Lily James Face Historic Sex Tape Scandal In Pam & Tommy Trailer

Check out Sebastian Stan and Lily James in the first trailer for Hulu's Pamela & Tommy. Both are dead ringers for the famous pair

By Doug Norrie | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

sebastian stan lilly james pamela & tommy

When it comes to famous stories that captured the hearts and minds of a certain American demographic, the Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee sex tape, was definitely one of them. While maybe a referendum on our society, this was major, major news at the time. And now, we are getting a bio-series about the story starring Sebastian Stan, Lily James, Seth Rogen, and Nick Offerman among others. The first trailer just dropped and it looks like a hilarious take on a ridiculous story. 

Sebastian Stan and Lilly James are set to star as Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson respectively in a limited series about what happened when their honeymoon sex tape was stolen and then widely distributed for the American pornographic viewing population to see in its grainy entirety. It seems almost quaint these days considering where the internet has gone, but at the time this was a pretty big deal. We are on the verge of getting the Hulu series and the first trailer gives a sense of how they are going to take the story. Take a look at what is going down in Pamela & Tommy.

For starters, Sebastian Stan and Lilly James are dead ringers for the celebrity couple. They realize too late that their private tape of the honeymoon has been compromised and there is a chance it’s going to release to the world. At the height of their fame back in the late 90s, Pamela and Tommy became the center of this firestorm, having to deal with what happens when their most intimate moments are put on sale in the aisles of adult video stores everywhere. The two leads are spitting images of the celebrities in what looks like it could be a very funny series. 

Sebastian Stan and Lilly James look like they are coming at this story with the wide-eyed confusion that many others had when the video came out. It appears that not only will we see how this all shook out, but also get a glimpse at the hard-partying aspect of their life as well. This was a rock star marriage if there ever was one. And from a comedic angle, the series looks like it is going to lean into the relative silliness about how this story unfolded. That’s going to be through the eyes of Seth Rogen and Nick Offerman who play the tape’s thief and porn distributor respectively. If Sebastian Stan and Lilly James embody every bit the roles of Tommy and Pam, these two are the bumbling “brains” behind how the tape actually got out into the world. 

From the looks of things, this new series on Hulu will try to tackle this story from a number of different angles. We will get the Sebastian Stan and Lily James side of things, not only how it was to be a celebrity couple at this time, but also what it meant for their lives to be put on embarrassing display. And there will also be a window to just how something like this is made available to the masses. Frankly, every part of it looks visually spot-on and also hilarious. 

It won’t be long until we can see Sebastian Stan in his tattooed glory and Lily James looking like the full embodiment of the Baywatch star. Pamela & Tommy is set to hit Hulu on February 2nd of next year.