Everything Wrong With Transformers

For some reason, everyone seems to hate Michael Bay’s movies, yet they continue to be some of the highest-grossing movies of all time. His movies, Transformers included, are generally mindless, bombastic, and loud, but he creates a visually stunning world that audiences seem to flock to.
During a portion of his career, Bay made an endless number of Transformers movies, beginning with the 2007 original. Bay finished with the franchise with the fourth installment, Transformers 4, in 2014.
While there was plenty wrong with the Transformers sequels as well, CinemaSins revisited the first movie in their video, “Everything Wrong With Transformers in 7 Minutes or Less.” While some of the faults they found are glaring plot holes and inconsistencies, most are mere nitpicks. After all, no movie is perfect, especially one made by Michael Bay.
The best Transformers “sins” pointed out are all the product placement moments (Panasonic, Mountain Dew, Burger King, and Chevrolet). With a movie about transforming robot cars, it’s expected to have a few real car manufacturers in the spotlight, but the transforming soda vending machine is legitimately terrible. What benefits could a transforming vending machine have?
CinemaSins are YouTubers who have been making these videos for almost a year now, beginning with their first video, “Everything Wrong With The Amazing Spider-Man in 2 Minutes or Less,” which was released during the summer of 2012.
They’ve done videos pointing out the plot holes and logic flaws in some big summer blockbuster and geek-friendly properties such as The Hunger Games, James Cameron’s Avatar, Looper, and Prometheus.
And was there plenty wrong with Transformers? I mean, of course. There was gratuitous framing and objectification of female characters like Mikaela Banes (Megan Fox), who was really nothing more than eye candy.
Did Michael Bay’s Transformers respect the source material at all? No way. And the frenetic camerawork just kind of made it impossible to watch. So yeah, it was a Michael Bay movie through and through.