Sci-Fi And Comic Writer Peter David Suffered A Stroke

Science fiction and comic book writer Peter David ended his 2012 in a tragic fashion, suffering a stroke while on vacation with his family in Florida.
In Peter’s own words, “I lost control of the right side of my body. I cannot see properly and I cannot move my right arm or leg.”
That’s a terrifying prospect for anyone, but we were glad to hear the incident wasn’t fatal.
Following the stroke, Peter David faced a long, uphill battle of physical therapy to recover, and it didn’t take long for fans to start asking how they could help him and his family. Rather than accepting donations, Peter instead suggested anyone wishing to pitch in simply buy some of his books.
Following the stroke, Peter David has to augment some of his writing process, using a dictation machine from then on. Unfortunately, in 2022 he also suffered a heart attack and another series of strokes. His health has been in decline.
Peter David’s work has appeared all over the place during his career. He has written for shows such as Babylon 5 and Young Justice. Plus, he co-created (with B5’s Bill Mumy) the short-lived sci-fi kids show Space Cases for Nickelodeon in the mid-’90s.

David has worked extensively in the comic book world for several decades, and his work on The Incredible Hulk earned him an Eisner Award in 1992. Trek fans will recognize his name from numerous novels set in that universe over the years, including the popular Star Trek: New Frontier series.
You can check out some synopses and links for some of Peter’s books below.
Pulling Up Stakes 1 by Peter David
Pulling Up Stakes 2 (Brand new)
Sick of vampire books? Movies? TV shows? Yeah. So are we. Sick of the entire unlife of vampires? Yeah. So is Vince Hammond. Unfortunately, Vince is in it up to his (wait for it) neck.
Because Vince is a young vampire hunter who lives with his vampire hunter mother in an entire community of vampire hunters, who in turn are part of a cult of vampire hunters going back all the way to the French Revolution.
Many believe this to be an uprising of the poor against the rich but was actually a massive purging of vampires from the French nobility (hence the guillotine).
The Camelot Papers by Peter David
A powerful ruler who’s considered by many to be simple-minded and vacuous and has serious father issues. A no-nonsense, polarizing woman who favors pants suits and pursues dubious agendas involving social needs. A remarkably magnetic leader of men with a reputation as a skirt-chaser. A scheming, manipulative adviser who is constantly trying to control public perceptions.
A man seen as the next, great hope for the people, except there are disputes over his background and many contend he’s not what he appears to be. George W? Hillary and Bill? Karl Rove? Obama? Try Arthur Pendragon, Guinevere, Lancelot, Merlin, and Galahad.
Whatever you think of the state of today’s politics, The Camelot Papers shows you just how little matters have changed in the past thousand years or so. The Camelot Papers presents a fresh perspective on Arthurian legend by using modern day sensibility and combining it with a classic tale to bring a new insight into iconic characters.
Darkness of the Light (book 1 of the Hidden Earth saga) by Peter David
Height of the Depths (book 2 of the Hidden Earth saga
These are science fiction mixed with mythological creatures and the fate of the Universe hangs in the balance. Big epic sweeping books with those great characters that Peter is famous for writing.