Every Browncoat Needs This Firefly Fan Magazine

Firefly fans and haters alike, I ask you to not get yourselves worked up over anything here. We’re not trying to hint about Joss Whedon bringing the show back, and we’re not laughing hysterically at those who still think it might happen.
We’re just sharing a cool image someone made to get Firefly fans everywhere psyched up about a show that never got a fair shake in the sci-fi world.
That Firefly magazine cover above was originally posted on Joss Whedon‘s Facebook page. Just your average, ordinary copy of Firefly Owner Monthly, which in the original picture was sitting next to a Serenity coffee mug.

No, it wasn’t how Whedon likes to spend his free time in between finishing novel-sized outlines for the next Avengers movie, but even if it was, he doesn’t actually own a Firefly ship anyway. Joss Whedon’s star has faded considerably in Hollywood since this photo, thanks to issued unrelated to Firefly, so any chance of this Firefly Magazine being a hint for the show coming back are long gone.
The mock-up image was actually created by U.K. digital artist GrahamTG, for his DeviantArt profile, as part of a contest for the website Foundation3D.com. Even though my picky side wants to be critical about the boring fonts, that’s not really the point, is it?
It’s a classy piece of fan-created memorabilia celebrating a deeply missed series, and it made it through the pipeline to Whedon himself.
I believe most people would consider that a success. When I took the quiz inside, it said the Firefly character I have the most in common with is Inara. I don’t think anyone would call that a success.
The sci-fi western Firefly TV series was created by Joss Whedon and aired on Fox for one season all the way back in 2002. The captain of the Serenity spacecraft was Malcolm Reynolds (Nathan Fillion). The cast was legit too with Gina Torres, Alan Tudyk, Morena Baccarin, and Summer Glau, among others. They galavanted across the space frontier, took on the Alliance and just generally had fun with the thing.
Firefly got screwed because of studio mismanagement about its time slot and order of episodes, problems that would never have happened now. Oh well, we’ll always have Firefly Owner Monthly.