Download The First Episode Of John Scalzi’s The Human Division For Free
This article is more than 2 years old

John Scalzi is a writer I was following online long before I actually read any of his fiction. While I’d heard tons of people singing the praise of his Old Man’s War books (which I eventually read, and loved), I found just as much to love in his excellent blog. One of the things that fascinated me is that he is one of those writers who is constantly exploring the ever-shifting frontiers of digital and print publishing. Now he’s found another way to bring in some eyeballs. You can download the first installment of his new book, The Human Division, for free.
Set in Scalzi’s popular Old Man’s War universe, The Human Division is described as an “episodic novel.” A new episode of the book will release every Tuesday, through April 9th, a total of 13 installments. The book will be available as a download from, and you can check out the first episode, entitled “The B Team,” for free right here. It looks like all you’ll have to do is Like Audible’s Facebook page, but if that irks you it’s not like you can’t unlike it afterwards.
“Colonial Union Ambassador Ode Abumwe and her team are used to life on the lower end of the diplomatic ladder. But when a high-profile diplomat goes missing, Abumwe and her team are last minute replacements on a mission critical to the Colonial Union’s future. As the team works to pull off their task, CDF Lieutenant Harry Wilson discovers there’s more to the story of the missing diplomats than anyone expected…a secret that could spell war for humanity.”
–Synopsis Of Scalzi’s The Human Division
If you like what you hear, all the other Human League episodes will be available on Audible for a mere $0.99. If you’d prefer to read the whole book at once, it’ll be bundled together as an eBook and a hardcover version on May 14th. You can listen to a short excerpt and read the book’s synopsis on YouTube.