Six Classic Star Trek Enemies We Wanted To See In Future Movies
Where to boldly go next?

When it comes to Star Trek, there is already so much in this franchise and at the same time, it feels like we have barely scratched the surface. Around the time Star Trek Into Darkness hit the big screen, we were still dreaming big about some characters we could see in future Star Trek movies.
Let’s take a look at some classic Star Trek characters who should have (and still could) been in movies in this franchise.

We’re throwing this one in first because it seems very likely that the Klingons will play a major role in the next Star Trek movie. While they don’t get much screentime in Star Trek Into Darkness, tensions between them and Starfleet are at the core of much of what goes down in the latest Star Trek, and Into Darkness writer Damon Lindelof had hinted that they’ll be a major player the next flick.
While the Klingons have shown up in several of the Star Trek movies over the years, they’ve really only played a major role in Star Trek VI (good) and Star Trek III (not so good).
And in The Undiscovered Country, they were in serious decline. It’d be very cool to see a Star Trek with the Klingons at the height of their power and aggression, whether in an all-out war or some smaller confrontation with the Enterprise.
The Doomsday Machine

Due to budget constraints, the original Star Trek series wasn’t always big on the action front. While Abrams’ films have lost a lot of the show’s nuance and intellect, it’s still fun to see Trek kick up the action with a blockbuster budget.
Of all the Original Series episodes, “The Doomsday Machine” may be perfectly suited to this new breed of Star Trek. Whether it was based on the episode’s storyline or it just took the notion of the Doomsday Machine and spun some new tale around it, the massive weapon would be fertile ground for an action-packed new Trek tale.
After all, we’ve already lost Vulcan in this new timeline. You can imagine the Enterprise crew, especially Spock, would have a serious personal stake if faced with the possibility of losing even more planets to a new threat.

In the Original Series, the Gorn were represented by a dude in a big, clumsy lizard suit who was forced to fight Kirk to the death. That was established as the first contact between Starfleet and the Gorn Hegemony in the original timeline, although a later episode of Enterprise included an encounter with “Mirror Universe” Gorn.
The lizardlike race has already appeared in the Abramsverse, playing a key part in the recent Star Trek video game (see above), where they attacked the New Vulcan colony.
They got a major design overhaul for the game, though, so they would be ripe for use in a future film. It would be fun to see them as a more intimidating threat than they were in their Original Series episode and learn more about them as a species.
Mirror Universe

Speaking of the Mirror Universe, it’s another concept that could be ripe for further exploration. While we’ve seen it used several times over the years, there’s still plenty of potential in playing around with Star Trek‘s “darkest timeline.”
In fact, given that the new movies are themselves unfolding in a tangential alternate timeline, the Mirror universe could have a whole new layer of resonance. They’ve already played with it in the tie-in comics, but that wouldn’t prevent them from ignoring that if they had a good idea for a movie.
Hell, if you really wanted to blow away the fanboys, why not pit the new Enterprise crew against the Original Series’ Mirror Universe doubles? It would be tricky, but imagine Kirk 2.0 and the rest confronting not only dark versions of themselves but dark versions of their original selves from the original timeline.
In the pipe dream in my head, we’d see Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, and the rest facing off against Shatner and Nimoy at their most mustache-twirling. It’s a long shot, but if it were done right, I’d sure as hell pay for that ticket.

The Romulans have already played a major role in the new Star Trek universe, since the alternate timeline was caused by Nero, a vengeance-seeking Romulan miner who chased Spock Prime into the past.
But he obviously didn’t represent the state of the Romulan Empire in the “present” of Star Trek Into Darkness.
We have seen a bit of them in the official tie-in comic, but as with the Mirror Universe, that’s not quite the same thing. With the Klingons already established as a major threat, it would make perfect sense for the Romulans to be working behind the scenes to stoke that fire.
After all, if Starfleet and the Klingons are busy blowing each other up, all the better for the Romulans and their ambitions.
It would also be interesting to see how the near extinction of their Vulcan brothers and sisters has affected the Empire.

This one is in the same vein as the Gorn: an interesting Original Series race that hasn’t been explored on the big screen. Like the Gorn, Enterprise played around with them a bit, but there’s still plenty of potential for a movie, and plenty of room for the new Star Trek writers to run wild with them.
The Tholians are aggressive and territorial, so it wouldn’t take much to generate a conflict between them and Starfleet. They’re also supposedly very interested in time travel, so if they somehow detected that their universe was a tangent universe, they would likely want to investigate its creation. That could lead them to Spock Prime and the crew of the Enterprise.
Plus, I’d like to see somebody find a way to make crystal beings who spin energy webs into a truly daunting, big-budget threat. Or just see Kirk spray one down with liquid nitrogen and take a hammer to it.