Ryan Reynolds Just Showed Off His Return As Deadpool For Deadpool 3
Ryan Reynolds posted a picture that has some feeling like Deadpool 3 could be coming sooner than later. Check out the Merc's masked all packed
This article is more than 2 years old

Ryan Reynolds is going to, eventually, make his way into the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Deadpool, but we just don’t know when. There have been tons of rumors, speculation, and excitement about the character officially getting into the MCU, but we just don’t have a firm grasp on when or how that will exactly happen. That could be changing soon with the possibility of a big announcement on the way. Reynolds shared a picture on Instagram of the Deadpool mask poking out of a travel bag. Could he be jaunting off to work on the new film, getting back into the costume once again? It’s starting to look that way.
The picture from Ryan Reynolds on Instagram is rather simple and (possibly) incredibly exciting. It’s some bags packed on a table like they are for someone heading out on a quick jaunt or business trip. There’s a note on top and even a coffee off to the side, like one final sip of joe before getting to work. But you see the one extra part and that’s the Deadpool mask sticking out of one of the bags, facing us and possibly signaling the start of something big in the franchise. Check it out:

Could this mean that Ryan Reynolds is officially getting things underway for the next Deadpool, heading off to work on the movie in a more formal capacity? That remains to be seen, but I really doubt he’d throw something like this out there if there wasn’t firm news coming for the film. Considering how much speculation we’ve had around what will happen next for the Regenerating Degenerate, putting something out there without context just doesn’t seem like a move Reynolds would make.
Of course, this picture from Ryan Reynolds comes as we try to figure out what will be happening with Deadpool 3. Considering this will be the first film in the incredibly popular franchise to happen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we’ve been wondering how the character will work himself into the narrative. There are a number of different directions it could go, most of them awesome, and could be a movie that helps introduce new characters (like the X-Men?) into the universe as well.

The other reason fans have been waiting on the edge of their proverbial seat for Deadpool 3 news is the question around what tone the film will take when it finally hits the big screen. The first two movies in the franchise deserved every bit of their R rating, working in language, sexuality, and gratuitous violence in a way we really hadn’t seen from comic book movies in the traditional franchises. It totally worked but also was totally not Disney. Under the new umbrella, it will be interesting to see what Ryan Reynolds is able to get away with in this next film. Kevin Feige has assured fans it will still be rated R, but that could also have something of a range of outcomes.
Does the picture of the Deadpool mask Ryan Reynolds mean the movie is right around the corner? No, of course not. But it’s unlikely that he just posted it willy-nilly. Reynolds, more than anyone, knows this kind of thing gets the fanbase frothy. There’s almost sure to be more news in the coming days and Deadpool 3 might actually be gearing up soon.