Ryan Reynolds Confirms Whether Free Guy Will Have A Sequel
Will the new Ryan Reynolds movie have a part 2?
This article is more than 2 years old

Free Guy is having a solid opening weekend at the box office, especially in the current pandemic climate. The Ryan Reynolds action-comedy was delayed for a long time due to the pandemic, so questions around how the film would due in theaters have definitely been weighing on the minds of many involved. The new movie isn’t part of a franchise. It’s an original story. Can that kind of big-budget film survive in the current box office climate? And how are studios judging the $28 million earned so far at the box office, when that number may have been different pre-pandemic? Well, on Saturday, with the opening weekend not even through, the star of the film tweeted that Disney had already confirmed with him that a sequel is in the works. That’s right. Free Guy 2 is happening.
You can see Ryan Reynolds tweet the big news below.
The director of the film, Shawn Levy, also tweeted the news, and then in confirmation, 20th Century Fox retweeted Ryan Reynolds. Free Guy 2 was rumored to be in talks a few weeks ago, but that news seemed questionable at the time. While the studio backed Free Guy with a bulky $100 million budget, that was seen as a big gamble. Yes, it has the star power of Ryan Reynolds behind it. And Free Guy has some big appeal to gamers. However, the story isn’t based on existing intellectual property. This isn’t a sequel. It isn’t a reboot. These days, that’s seen as a gamble for something at this scale. When the pandemic was added in to complicate matters, along with the many delays and how that affected the film’s marketing, getting a confirmed sequel already is a big sign of the studio’s confidence in this project.
Of course, if you saw Free Guy, you may also be wondering why a Free Guy 2 is needed. Does everything need to be a sequel? Of course, audiences want to see more Ryan Reynolds. And Free Guy was full of fun cameos and a rich new world. But, without spoiling the story, it was self-contained. As a single entry, it was fun and satisfying. With the story so well wrapped up, is there a need to turn this story into a series? News that Free Guy 2 was already confirmed might have been more exciting if it also came with an explanation of where the story might go from here. Is there any room left just allowing a single film to happen?
In terms of when we might expect Free Guy 2, it’s likely to take a while. Ryan Reynolds confirmed that Disney wants to move forward and do it. Getting that news so early will make it happen much sooner. However, they’re going to need to figure out that story and plan filming dates with the actors and their busy schedules. Assuming that Ryan Reynolds is in the sequel, it’s hard to say whether Free Guy 2 will happen before or after Deadpool 3, which doesn’t yet have a completed script. They two may be racing for Ryan Reynolds at this point.