Ryan Reynolds Finally Admits Massive Deadpool Secret

By Zack Zagranis | Updated

Deadpool Ryan Reynolds

While Deadpool & Wolverine has proven impossible to miss, many fans let a juicy tidbit of information regarding the franchise fly right over their heads. During Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman’s promotional blitzkrieg for Deadpool 3, Reynolds dropped a bombshell. The plucky Canadian finally admitted what everyone already suspected: he leaked the 2012 Deadpool test footage.

Promotiong Deadpool & Wolverine

By now, everyone and their mother has seen Deadpool & Wolverine. How could you avoid it? Ryan Reynolds was everywhere as both Deadpool and himself trying to sell the thing.

As a result, whether you were one of the millions of legitimate ticket buyers or just watched it in pieces on TikTok, you’ve seen the movie and you love it.

During a lie detector test for Vanity Fair conducted to promoted the movie, Hugh Jackman asked Ryan Reynolds about his role in leaking the Deadpool footage.

Initially, the Van Wilder star tried to avoid answering the question. Eventually, Hugh’s needling proved to be too much, though, and Ryan ended up spilling his guts.



For those unfamiliar with Poolgate—a term I just coined and am already regretting—in 2014, someone leaked a two-minute action scene starring Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool to the internet.

Turns out Fox bankrolled the test footage in 2012 and then, for reasons unknown, did absolutely nothing with it. Fast forward two years, and the leaked footage whips Deadpool fans into a frenzy Fox can’t ignore. The studio immediately green lights a Deadpool, and the rest is history.

Chances are the revelation is as shocking to you as Ben Folds admitting the song “Brick” was about abortion. Even so, this is technically the first time Ryan Reynolds has officially copped to leaking the footage that resulted in Fox greenlighting the first Deadpool. Probably because, technically, what he did was super illegal.

Still A Big Deal

deadpool 3 shatterstar

Now you and I both know that the chances of Disney—20th Century Fox’s current owner—suing their new cash cow are slim to none.

However, that doesn’t change the fact that Reynolds finally coming clean about the Deadpool leak is, to quote Ron Burgundy, “kind of a big deal.” At least from a “admitting to a crime in public” standpoint.

Previously, Ryan Reynolds had played coy about his role in the Deadpool leak. When Jimmy Fallon asked the actor about it in 2016, all he would say was that it was one of four people: Deadpool director Tim Miller, writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, or himself.

Meanwhile, in 2018, Reynolds told British talk show host Graham Norton that it was his mother who leaked the footage.

Tim Miller Isn’t Off The Hook

Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator

Look, I know that for most of you, this news is just the I Think You Should Leave meme with Tim Robinson in the hotdog suit, but to be fair, a lot of fans still thought Tim Miller leaked the footage.

Having confirmation that it was Ryan Reynolds who dumped the Deadpool test scene online, if nothing else, at least exonerates the director. Now Tim Miller’s only crime is directing Terminator: Dark Fate.

Or Was It… THE WIFE?!?!?!

“But Zack, Dark Fate was at least better than Terminator: Genysis!” Sure, but so is a colon polyp. That doesn’t make it good. The series should have ended with Terminator 2, and everyone knows it! Wait… where was I?

Oh yeah, Ryan Reynolds and Deadpool. So yeah, at least we now know definitively that Mr. Blake Lively is the culprit. Now if we could just get Steven Spielberg to finally admit he directed Poltergeist

Source: Vanity Fair