Watch Rudy Giuliani’s Infamous Borat 2 Scene
Watch the now controversial scene from Borat 2 where Rudy Giuliani is caught in a compromising situation.
This article is more than 2 years old

Rudy Giuliani has come under fire for a deeply uncomfortable sequence in the newest Borat film, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. The sequence has been talked about to death over the last two days once critics were able to release their reviews of the film (read our review!). But now, you can watch the highly controversial sequence for yourself and make your own judgment.
Here is the scene from Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan featuring Rudy Giuliani and actress Maria Bakalova as Borat’s daughter, Tutar:
The sequence has been picked apart and interpreted every which way it can be, and even Rudy Giuliani himself has finally spoken up about the scene in question. He immediately defends his action in the scene as you can see from his tweets on the subject:
The hubbub around this sequence with Rudy Giuliani in Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan has become so pronounced that actor Sacha Baron Cohen has felt the need to respond to the former New York City mayor in character as Borat Sagdiyev:
Rudy Giuliani maintains his innocence in the sequence, even though he can clearly be seen touching Maria Bakalova on her back without any provocation from the actress. However, the main point of contention in the sequence has come about regarding a moment where the former New York City mayor reaches his hands down the front of his pants. Giuliani maintains that he was tucking his shirt in. The context of the scene certainly implies something much more inappropriate.
However, there has been ample discussion about how the sequence with Rudy Giuliani and actress Maria Bakalova is being presented. An article from Slate looked at the sequence from the perspective of a film editor in an effort to break down exactly what it is the audience was seeing and how it was being presented. It is important for viewers to be reminded that they are watching a film and that standard filmmaking and editing techniques are being utilized, which means that what you are experiencing is undoubtedly manipulated.

Still, no matter what post-production techniques were used for the finished product, it is undeniably a very bad look for Rudy Giuliani. Now that Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video for all of its subscribers, it is going to be interesting to see how the majority of viewers interpret the scene with all of the discussion and information that is now available to the populace.
What is interesting is that there are other outrageous moments besides the Rudy Giuliani scene that did not even end up in the final cut of Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. Take for example this moment where Borat is pulled over by a police officer that was actually recorded on the police officer’s body camera:
The Rudy Giuliani scene is equally outrageous to some of the other pranks and moments that make up the running time of Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. There will likely be a lot of discussion and controversy surrounding other moments in the film, such as a bakery owner who willingly decorates a cake with the phrase, “Jews will not replace us :)” and a plastic surgeon who makes an outright distinction regarding the stereotype of Jewish people having pointed noses.
Now that the Rudy Giuliani scene is out there for everyone to see and judge in the context of the rest of the film, we will have to see what kind of legacy the scene and the entirety of Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan will leave. Time is the only real judge of art and importance, and we are going to need some time to see what becomes of this whole insane endeavor.