Rosario Dawson’s Ahsoka Is A More Powerful Jedi Than Luke Skywalker
See the video of one filmmaker explaining why Rosario Dawson's Ahsoka is more powerful than Luke.
This article is more than 2 years old

Next to his father Anakin, Luke Skywalker is often revered as the pinnacle of a skilled and powerful Jedi. However, in the recently released Disney+ original documentary Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian, Dave Filoni revealed that Rosario Dawson’s Ashoka is actually a more powerful and accomplished Jedi than Luke Skywalker was at that time.
Fan account JarJarAbrams posted a video short of the clip on Twitter, check it out below.
In the video, Filoni explained that the reason why Rosario Dawson’s version of Ashoka Tano is more powerful than Luke Skywalker is because of the time period that The Mandalorian takes place. Since the beginning of the Star Wars franchise, its timeline of events is often shown out of sequence. For example, the original trilogy that ended with Return of the Jedi back in 1983 takes place after the prequel trilogy whose initial movie, The Phantom Menace, was released over a decade later in 1999. Thus, Filoni said that often times it’s hard for fans to keep the order of events straight. However, considering that Ashoka Tano was Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan in Star Wars: The Clone Wars means that she has been a Jedi for far longer than Luke and has had much more time to refine and develop her relationship with the Force.
When Rosario Dawson first appeared as Ashoka Tano on The Mandalorian, it came as a pleasant surprise for fans of the Jedi. Rosario Dawson portraying a live-action version of Ashoka was a momentous occasion because, according to the timeline, the character had not been seen since she left with Sabine to look for Ezra on Stars Wars: Rebels approximately seven years prior. However, it is also one of the very few times that a Star Wars character created specifically for animation was brought into the live-action medium. In fact, Giant Freakin Robot previously reported that Rosario Dawson’s Ashoka was so well received that fans can now look forward to her having her own live-action show simply titled Ahsoka and reuniting with another originally animated character, Sabine. The fact that these two fan-favorites have been brought to live-action could indicate that other popular characters might pop up in The Mandalorian and on the upcoming Ashoka show.
While fans wait for the next season of The Mandalorian and the eventual release of Ashoka, they can also look forward to watching Rosario Dawson on the Hulu exclusive mini-series titled Dopestick, which tackles the fallout of prescription opioids in the US and is set to release on October 13, 2021. Additionally, outside of Rosario Dawson’s work within the Star Wars universe, the actress has also been busy working on a variety of other projects, as well. According to her IMDb page, she is currently filming the TV mini-series DMZ simultaneously alongside a Clerks III film. Fans of Rosario Dawson can also anticipate her joining the DC Expanded Universe as the voice of Catwoman in a podcast called Batman: The Audio Adventures that will be featured on the streaming platform, HBO Max.