Most Memorable Ron Swanson Moments On Parks And Recreation

There have been plenty of great TV sitcom characters over the years, but one of the best has been Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation. The serious, all-American man who despises the government yet works as the Director of Pawnee, Indiana’s Parks and Recreation department is played by the hilarious Nick Offerman.
Throughout the seven seasons of the hit comedy series, there were so many memorable moments from the mustachioed, woodworking man, but we’ve rounded up the top seven for you.
7. Meat Tornado
Like the all-American man that he is, Ron Swanson loves meat, from bacon to steak to pork, and everything in between. He doesn’t typically eat ethnic food, like burritos, but when his new assistant Andy (played by Chris Pratt) tells him about the meat tornado burrito, a meal so meaty that it killed a guy, his curiosity is immediately peaked.
Andy and Ron enjoy their meat tornadoes in the Parks and Recreation Department, and Ron loves it so much that he refers to it as a “new meat delivery system.”
The scene reinforces Ron’s love for all things meat, but also gives him and Andy some quality time together to bond over sports and other manly stuff.
6. Give Me All the Bacon and Eggs
In addition to loving all forms of meat, Ron Swanson also has a passion for the most important meal of the day: breakfast. Much like every other American, it’s a comfort food for Ron. In one episode of Parks and Recreation, he needs a lot of breakfast to comfort him after a long night.
Ron was ready for a delicious steak at his favorite restaurant (Mulligan’s Steakhouse) but was sorely disappointed to find the steakhouse had been unexpectedly shut down.
After a failed attempt at a steak dinner at his co-worker Chris Traeger’s house, and a disappointing steak dinner at a local diner, Ron turns to breakfast.
He tells the server to, “Give me all the bacon and eggs,” a line that has gone down in Ron Swanson history.
5. I’m Ron F***ing Swanson
In season two of Parks and Recreation, Ron Swanson manages to successfully hide the fact that he is suffering from a hernia. He manages to hide it from everywhere for quite some time, but one day when he sneezes, it ruptures the hernia. Rather than show any signs of weakness, Ron just stays painfully still at his desk all day.
Ron manages to hide his medical emergency from everyone in the office, except for the scrupulous April Ludgate (played by Aubrey Plaza). After going home for the day, she returns, based on a hunch, to find her boss still sitting painfully still.
He confesses that he in fact does have a hernia, and when she asks if he is ready for a ride to the hospital, he delivers the legendary line: “I was born ready. I’m Ron F***ing Swanson.”
4. Swanson Pyramid of Greatness
When Ron Swanson becomes a basketball coach, he reveals his Pyramid of Greatness to his students. The pyramid is “a perfectly calibrated recipe for maximum personal achievement” that showcases his hilarious and unconventional beliefs.
Most of the beliefs focus on traditionally manly things, like eating meat, using weapons, and avoiding things like skim milk, vegetables, and fish.
Other great beliefs from Ron include “Crying: Acceptable at funerals and the Grand Canyon” and “Cursing: Only around men.” At the very top of the pyramid are the three most important things to Ron: honor, America, and of course, buffets.
So, if you want to be just like Ron Swanson, then all you have to do is follow the great many steps of his Pyramid of Greatness.
3. Duke Silver
In one of the earlier episodes of Parks and Recreation, we find out that there’s another side to the seemingly grumpy and rugged Ron Swanson. In secret, he performs as Duke Silver, a sultry jazz musician who plays the saxophone for crowds for adoring older women.
However, April reveals that she knows his secret identity, because her mom has all of his CDs. She admits that she knew it was him since her first day at work, but she didn’t tell anyone, which Ron greatly appreciates.
It’s not until season five that Ron reveals himself as the sexy jazz musician Duke Silver to his “duchess” Diane.
2. The Tammys
Before Ron Swanson found his third love, Diane, he was married twice before, to two women that were both named Tammy. The director of Parks and Recreation refers to both of his crazy ex-wives as Tammy One and Tammy Two, respectively. Throughout the show, both women come back into his life to wreak havoc.
Tammy One moves in with Ron and uses her nurturing maternal instincts to lull him into a weak, submissive man who even shaves his iconic mustache. Tammy Two (played by Nick Offerman’s real-life wife Megan Mullally) turns Ron into a wild, sex-crazed man who can’t control himself around her.
The two wind up getting married (again) and divorced (again) after a sex capade that ended with Ron in corn rows and a half-destroyed mustache.
1. Leslie and Ron
Ron Swanson and Leslie Knope have always had a complicated yet strong relationship. They mostly butt heads because Leslie adores the government and all of its rules while Ron wants to destroy it from the inside out.
In season seven of Parks and Recreation, the two have a heart-to-heart while they’re trapped inside their old office. Ron admits that he misses the old department with Leslie, April, and Tom, and that he felt crushed when Leslie stood him up for a lunch date where he was going to ask to work with her and the old team again.
They both makeup, and Leslie offers Ron the perfect job as the Superintendent of the National Park in Pawnee.
If you want to watch all the hilarious and heartwarming episodes of Parks and Recreation, you can find them on Peacock.