Robin Williams Amazing Mrs. Doubtfire Story Revealed By Sally Field

By Christopher Isaac | Published

Even nearly a decade removed from the tragic passing of Robin Williams, new stories still continue to surface from actors, colleagues, and friends about how kind Williams was. The latest now comes from Sally Field, who worked with Williams portraying his estranged wife in the 1993 classic Mrs. Doubtfire. Field’s father died during the filming of the movie, and when she confided in Williams about it, he pushed for director Chris Columbus to give her time off while they filmed scenes she was not needed in.

Field’s Loss

sally field mrs doubtfire

Field recounts how she was feeling the day she heard her father had died of a massive stroke. He was already very ill, but the passing still left her shaken, something Robin Williams picked up on. “I was of course beside myself,” Field said. “I came on the set trying with all my might to act. I wasn’t crying. Robin came over, pulled me out of the set, and asked, ‘Are you okay?’”

Williams Got Field What She Needed

Field said that when Robin Williams heard what she was dealing with, he was aghast that she was still trying to focus on filming during such an emotionally tumultuous moment in her life.

He said that she was in no shape to be there and he went to Chris Columbus to encourage the director to change up the filming plans for the day to give Field time off to grieve.

“And he made it happen — they shot around me the rest of the day,” Field said of the efforts of Robin Williams. “I could go back to my house, call my brother and make arrangements. It’s a side of Robin that people rarely knew: He was very sensitive and intuitive.”

Field Isn’t The Only One Williams Helped

The kindness and compassion of Robin Williams has been no secret, and it is part of what made him such a beloved actor. Many of his other on-set colleagues have shared similar stories of Williams looking out for them and showing that working beside them was more than just a job for him.

Lisa Jakub played the part of Robin Williams’ oldest daughter in Mrs. Doubtfire, Lydia, and shared that Williams looked out for her as well. Jakub actually got kicked out of high school for taking the part due to missing classes to be on set. When Williams heard this from her, he wrote a letter to the school on her behalf.

His Kindness Was Bottomless

“He wrote a letter to my principal saying that he wanted them to rethink this decision and that I was just trying to pursue my education and career at the same time, and could they please support me in this,” Jakub recounted of Robin Williams’ efforts.

“The principal got the letter, framed the letter, put it up in the office, and didn’t ask me to come back. Amazing.”

Child star Mara Wilson also has expressed gratitude for her experience in getting to meet Robin Williams during the filming of the movie. Still very early in her acting career, Wilson has repeatedly talked about what a positive experience it was to work with him and how kind he was, especially to children.

Williams Was A Treasure

Though Robin Williams has always been praised for his comedic abilities, the anecdotes shared by those who have worked with him make it clear that he also knew how to be serious when the moment called for it.

The stories that have been told of him over the years highlight his kindness just as much as his talent on the screen.

Source: Variety