Star Wars Fans Love The Most Toxic Relationship In Franchise History

By Zack Zagranis | Published


Fans could argue all day over the worst thing to come out of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. The Holdo Maneuver? Grumpy old fart Luke Skywalker? Both are solid contenders for the most hated thing to come out of the Disney era. For my money, though, the worst thing to come out of the sequels is Reylo.

Rey And Kylo Ren

If you’re unfamiliar with the term, I envy you. Reylo is the ship name for Rey and Kylo Ren. You know, Bennifer, but even cringier.

Don’t get me wrong, I have no beef with shipping. One of my favorite theories about Dawn of the Dead is that Roger and Peter were lovers.

No, the problem with Reylo isn’t that Star Wars fans imagine two characters in love. The problem is that Reylo is toxic as all get out.

I’m all for Rey and Finn or Finn and Poe but Rey and Kylo Ren is a firm “No” in my book.

Thanks To Rian Johnson

Have you ever seen those people who think the Joker and Harley Quinn are hashtag “couples goals”? If you have, you’ve probably no doubt wondered how anyone could find such an abusive relationship admirable.

That’s how I feel about the Reylo stans.

Most of the blame rests at—surprise—the feet of Rian Johnson. It was Johnson’s idea to have Kylo and Rey form a force dyad in The Last Jedi.

Rian is also the one who decided to have Kylo appear to Rey shirtless and then refuse to put on clothes when she asked him to.

Kylo Is A Creeper

adam driver

I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that forcing someone to talk to you when you’re partially dressed and they’ve already let you know they’re uncomfortable with the idea is messed up.

Mr. Johnson happens to be the one who decided that Reylo should become a thing through negging.

Rey’s big theme in The Last Jedi is trying to figure out her place in the universe.

That’s why it’s so devastating when Kylo tells her that she’s nothing and a nobody. Oh, but don’t worry, he makes sure to add “but not to me.” at the end.

Kylo Is A Genocidal Murderer

I’m no psychologist, but I’m pretty sure that telling a potential partner that no one else will ever love them, so they better settle for you, is a common tactic in abusive relationships.

Meanwhile, the Rey component of Reylo has issues of its own. It’s clear from how she is written that Rey is convinced that Kylo Ren is a bad boy she can fix.

She senses good in him, this genocidal maniac who blew up five planets at once in The Force Awakens.

Look, I’ve always had a problem with the way Star Wars seems to adapt Catholic absolution. Darth Vader has done unspeakable things, but he repents on his deathbed, and all is forgiven.

Forgiveness Seems A Little Too Quick

adam driver fantastic four

I’m sure the spirits of all of those younglings he murdered in cold blood were really happy to see him get to be a force ghost with his buddies at the end of Return of the Jedi.

The point is that Kylo Ren is an evil man who murdered his father—and Rey’s father figure—right in front of her.

The whole concept of Reylo would seem to shrug at his transgressions because the two of them look so cute together. Reylo is such a powerful movement online that J. J. Abrams even tried to incorporate the ship into The Rise of Skywalker.

A Toxic Idea


The kiss that Rey and Kylo share at the end of TROS is so out of place and awkward that Disney later thought better of it and retconned it…sort of. The novelization of Episode IX describes the kiss as a “just friends,” kind of deal.

I’d call BS, but this is the fandom where twins canonically make out sometimes to make others jealous, so whatever.

Ultimately Reylo has no place in the Star Wars fandom. It’s not a healthy pairing and it’s built on toxicity and negativity. But Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver are young and hot, so sadly, it’s not going away anytime soon. Oh well, at least there’s still Wolfwren.